SOLO PLAYER PENALTY -- Avg Gear Score Capped @ iLvl 198

That ilvl is more that what the previous raid dropped. So it does happen. It doesnt even take as much effort as Solo content. It just rains gear.

Lol and yet here I am a 211 arms warrior(lulw) being guildless and going off solo due to work. Gearing past 200 is pretty ez as long as you do enough m+s and participate in rated pvp

Then perhaps you should read the post I was responding to before posting kid wherein the poster was demanding a steady flow of new content in prpetuity.

And yeah I do understand what balance is, but you apparently don’t so consider for a moment that blizz was cramming new gear, specs, systems, dungeons, raids and bgs in every week. It’d make BFA look like Wrath levels of quality because none of them would actually have the time required to get them to a level that would be considered acceptable.

And I am sure us solo player will reach 250+ too, before this expansion has run it’s course.

Its actually a BLIZZ problem. At the end BLIZZ is a business and this is not LOL a free game.

Blizz needs the player more than the player needs blizz. The casuals actually buy a lot more from the shop.

So just for the sake of revenue they need to address the problem the PLAYER is facing.

The truth is, if the Game had new content instead of regurgitating repeating the same WQ’s it would have more player, more public interest and make more money to afford more developers.

The biggest drawback they face is that most people these days don’t even have real power computers anymore. Computers became passé to the majority now.

That’s one of the things I liked about the vision. It felt good to progress through it AND(you see this is the difference between vision and torghast) you got gear through it.

Then again in this game the “casuals”(I use this term loosely) always tend to be behind everyone else. In recent expansions this often means by 20-30 item levels. It’s just the way the game is. With something like a vision people could close to gap further.

I believe you are incorrect on that.
The currency catchup gear only got you to the previous tier’s heroic level… it also had poor secondary stats.

They should stop whining because they’re wanting a bigger reward for less effort.

Like, I’m by no means a great player on my main; My dps trends low but I’m smart enough to get mechanics down. I’m a 5/10 quality player. But even I’ve been able to do 10/10 normal and 3/10 heroic and I’m sitting at a 202 ilvl.

Would I like better gear? Of course, but I don’t think I’m owed a 213 ilvl just because I spend $15 a month, nor do I think I need it to do some buisness in unrated BGs.

You still dont understand Balance. What has BFA and wrath got to do with Balance?

All those keywords , dont mean anything, do you think they got BALANCE in SL ?

If your answer is no ? Then they wont achieve it. Now part 2. If as it stands right now, they are adjusting every week, why would it be any different even if they give gear.

You must be really thick to not see what they are currently doing in the name of balance. 8 % increase in dmg without changes to gear. That is how they are currently trying to balance.

You have neither any idea how blizz balances in SL nor do you know how they did in WRATH when there was no borrowed power.

But I do give you kudos for the confidence while having no knowledge on the subject.

so you want to play 10% of the content, and yet you want to get rewarded as if you were playing 100% of the content? KEK. Sit back n think why that is an incredibly stupid argument.

Right now we are getting Versatality. How bad can it really be.

I don’t think effort is a good measurement here.
I think it would be better to say they want bigger rewards for less difficult content.

WHo the hell are you to tell them to STOP?


I demand that you stop playing wow from this instant. Oh wait , that doesnt work. Damn, I thought I could order people around here on the forums and they would listen.

Mechanics today is not a big deal. It’s not brain surgery. Some like to live dangerously, or don’t have time to spend watching videos. How many variations of “mechanics” can there be?

I don’t know… what class are you playing? Where does versatility fall in your secondary stat priority? What type of content are you focused on doing? Pve? PvP? Pet battles (versatility has 0 weight in pet battling) There’s a lot I’d need to know before I could say if versatility is a good, ok, or bad secondary stat for you.

Right now people are using pvp to gear, so my point is that secondary stat may not be a factor any more as what you get as gear is what are ever going to get since loot is so scarce.

  1. The truth is that you are complaining about fundamental aspects of MMORG design theory and that what you are asking for is pretty much beyond the constraints of any development team on the planet.

  2. You really don’t need a lot to run wow. I’m on a 5 year old laptop and it runs fine.

That’s funny.

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If you think the balance as it is right now is bad, how do you think hyper accelerating the development cycle will improve it?