SOLO PLAYER PENALTY -- Avg Gear Score Capped @ iLvl 198

Depending on the time of day and certain conditions… the sky may in fact appear as a color other than blue. BUT that is a debate for another time.

Tupac would argue with a raindrop that had the audacity to touch his skin… without consent.


This is exactly what feels wrong about the expansion for me.

The Great Vault was praised by the hardcore community prior to release, but it intentionally excludes casual/solo players from any significant progression.

The Maw and higher layers of Torghast are clearly tuned for raid-geared toons, yet do not provide the means to reach that level of power no matter how much time you spend or how well you exert skill in them.

It is hard for me to give up completely on Shadowlands, though, because the graphics, cinematics, zones, music, and voice acting are very good… This could have been one of my favorite expansions if not for the malicious intent behind the design of the gear/looting systems.

And you’ll still be playing it.

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i admit i bought 1800 for 200k gold which isnt against the rules btw
but now im at 2100 rbg rating via puggin i basically wasted my gold so its kinda moot :man_shrugging:

idk how many more times i have to say this :joy:

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I wonder If I’ll ever cease to be amazed at how entitled some players are.

Like, If you have an ILVL of 197 then you’re probably able to handle just about anything the game throws at you from torghast to LFR to heroics to general world content which is about the length and breadth of what you need.

Will you be able to out compete someone with a 235 legendary and full normal nathria set? Nope. Stomp someone in full gladiator? nope.

But frankly you shouldn’t be able to in the first place; the gear people get from that is hard earned by working their butts off for it, learning their class and studying the meta.

If you can’t do that then you can’t complain about how you can’t get those rewards.

M+ and raiding can both be pugged. Being a player that isn’t able to be in a raid team due to scheduling isn’t really an excuse if you really want to do the content.

You can get 197 honor weapon by playing epic bgs just zerg with your team win or lose is 500-1k for 30 mins work. In 2-3 days you can fill rings weapon neck pvp trinkets (incase you decide to pvp). Then if you enjoy it you can look at the rated stuff (which is a little harder but quite fun) I got 1600 now and on a 8 win streak looking at 1800 rbg soon hopefully.

I just started pvp this patch but rbgs are fun as frost, I can either team fight or duo with a rogue and nuke people.

And i’ll still be posting here, and you’ll still be reading it.

No one said it’s against the rules, but what people are saying is that you should never have the right to speak on skill based topics considering you boosted a resto sham of all classes which is the easiest thing to rank in the world.

And yet… here you are… speaking on things you have no experience doing.
They have just as much right to speak on a issue as you do. They pay a subscription fee just like you do.

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Don’t you have an addiction, sorry hobby to go play?

This is really the flat reality; despite it obviously being a massive portion of the player base, Blizzard intentionally moved the game away from the casual pug world and toward the organised group world. That’s their prerogative, but if they somehow thought it was going to encourage people to join organised groups and not simply play something else they haven’t been following their own game.


This is sadly what happens when the Devs become out of touch with it’s playerbase and prefer to milk them of their money over providing actual content.

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That’s right, because this supposed gear cap “problem” is nonexistent. Thanks for playing! (literally)

This is not true. I know of people who havent gotten gear even though they play the game like its a job. They do m+ and raid and are still lacking gear.

When does that become an issue? Or is RNG not a problem.

Oh you mean a person not doing raid should not be as good as person doing raid. Ok ok, so why are people in pvp getting better GEAR than people doing M+13.

Oh now its by design. Ok ok, What about the random guy who get 207 gear drop from world boss while you are stuck at 184 shoulders?

Meaningful gearing is not available in this game and that is the issue. Meaningful gearing would allow for people who dont raid get to a level thats just below raiding gear. Not 30 levels below. Why? So they can start raiding whenever they choose.


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Says the guy who hasn’t completed one mythic dungeon yet tries to have an opinion on it that no one supports.

How about both you and the person that bought rating group up and try to actually get better at the game and do content instead of boring us with your lack of understanding of the problems that plague this game.

Says the guy who is on an alt. Where’s your main?

“Oh no I admitted I had no knowledge on the topic and got called out for it, better double down!”

Nice projection there guy.

If your trying to set rules here, their gonna bite you in the bum here too, because you’re posting on a level 35 alt. By your own logic, you ought to stop talking, and yet your already violating your own rule here.

This is why your a hypocrite. You have no knowledge on this either and yet your speaking like you do and criticizing other people for their lack of knowledge.

This is a thread about solo playing and ilvl gear stopping at 198? Right? Why are peps arguing about pvp, raids and M+ content? That is group content. The only issue an ilvl 198 player would have is the 62 elites in the maw and open world. What more would a solo player want?

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