SOLO PLAYER PENALTY -- Avg Gear Score Capped @ iLvl 198

How would I have gotten Cutting Edge G’huun and Cutting Edge Xavius then ?

Of course I was there.

Such as ?

Such as ?

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LOL thinking Mythic+ offers upgrades. My 50+ runs would beg to differ.


Well isnt this thread just a joke. Are we seriously complaining about not getting better loot but not willing to put the effort in getting said loot…


Right now you can get nearly full raid gear just questing, without ever playing with another player, which is more than enough for questing. How much progress in gear do solo players need?


well it IS an mmo not a single player game


When leveling up sure but not endgame lol. The only single player content at Max lvl is farming mats for crafting, wq’s, your cov campaign and torghast.
Everything else requires group content I.e all forms of instanced pvp, all dungeon difficulties and raids. And I’m sorry but wq’s and your cov is not actual endgame content. Only high lvl pvp, m* dungeons, raids, and torghast are endgame content.

So that actually makes 25% of endgame content single player… not 90


Because the gear you have greatly effects the ego… err I mean “game play” of people doing group content.


There’s a reason the general consensus from the community is that BfA was one of Blizzard’s worst expansions ever.

An MMO should not have a competitive solo option. That’s just ridiculous. Solo players SHOULD be capped somewhere below players who actually engage in what an MMO is all about… group/guild driven activities.

There are a million games on the market that cater to solo players who want quick gratification for their buck. WoW should not and should never be one of them.


Why would anyone do group content if solo content gave similarly good rewards?

Someone who just does World Quests should never, in a million years, get even remotely close to the same quality of gear that someone killing Mythic bosses or someone consistently pushing 15s and higher should be getting. It makes literally no sense whatsoever.


I have no issue being gated at 200ish as a mostly solo player. The issue is my best weapon is the 187 LFR from the campaign, and my offhand is that 180 you can get in Maldraxxus. I’m reading you can get 200 from PVP, but I’d rather have my teeth pulled without lidocaine by a drunken mongoose than PVP in this game.


Multiplayer involves you’re playing with other players.

Not solo against AI driven pixels.

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What is everything else? Only thing at end game that isn’t single player is mythic+ and raids. I have cleared torghast solo, can pvp solo, pet battle solo, WQ solo, campaign solo, trade skills solo etc. What else is there? Even if you only count max level there is more stuff to do solo than group.


You can also buy BoEs and one legendary item to increase your ilvl, so if you want to continue increasing your ilvl without normal+ raiding, I suggest farming gold or flipping items on the AH. One way to make money is to buy cheap lvl 50 ilvl 93 hands, shoulders, chests, legs, waists, heads, or backs and resell them for about 3k or more.

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Also you can easily do voice-less RBGs to around 1400-1600 rating, which is ilvl 207-213 gear.

Just go into the Custom Groups section of the Group Finder and look for ‘chill group, no voice’ under RBGs and sign up for those.

It’s like doing random BGs, you’ll just start losing at some point a lot because you aren’t committed to the actual endgame aspects of WoW.

I mean yes that is the cap for playing in a non group setting in an MMO (hint look at the name of the genre). However, to what end do you need more gear if you are avoiding content that involves other people. 198 is enough to crush all non group content effortlessly which is seemingly all you wish to do. What benefit is there to needing to go higher if you are not going to be doing the content that would require you to go higher in the first place?


Yeah, a few times I had LFR players flexing their DPS in a normal dungeon, lmao


nor should you


As a casual raider (mostly heroic) i’d love to know where i can get decked out in raid gear from doing quests because my luck has been terrible in raids lol


And iLvl 198 is perfectly capable of that. There ARE ways to get higher level gear, but OP chooses not to play in those areas. As a solo player myself… I feel it’s totally fair that I’m not wearing Raid level gear, because I choose not to put in the effort to do them. I don’t feel like it’s a penalty at all. There is only so far that Blizzard can go to make solo content challenging before it requires additional people to beat it; therefore, the most challenging content IS Group content, and it rewards equivalent iLvl drops. It’s not a punishment - it’s logic.


Hey crazy question if you dont want to pvp or do group content why do you need more gear? The WQ’s are tuned to a ilvl of 155. In a full 197 set you would be demolishing the wq content. So answer me the simple question of why do you need more loot?