Solo Delves broken again

I just ran an Earthcrawl Mines 8 and it feels exactly the same way it felt on Friday. I don’t think Delves got any harder after today’s reset.

Porcelain arrow and Amorphous relic

They don’t use their toolkit provided by their class and are copy pasting Mythic + talent tree from WoWHead and keyboard smashing a rotation made for single target raid boss and they go like : DELVE HARD WTF NERF WTF CANT DO DELVE T8


Zero raid drops as im a social/filler in my guild these days. All my gear is from delves and m0s, activities anyone can do. Not a single map drop either so no hero gear. I’m not even enchanted or upgraded fully.

I was thinking something was off -

I was doing them just fine and then Bang - cant ever scratch the Boss Mob on a 7 and Brann is doing almost NO Damage or Healing now.

Sad thing is I actually like them - classic dungeon crawling pulling and fights until you get to the boss who basically 2 shots you now.

Hunter is doable but slow and hard
Priest is doable as DISC until boss / Shadow can give it up 2 shotted . thats 1 shot > hit my OhCreps Self Defs > Hit again > Dead

I did an 8 in my three characters today, I don’t undertand what you say. WW, Enhanc, survival.

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As soon as you invis your going to reset whatever your fighting in the instance - dude is trolling u

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Same for my Alts and that’s why I was excited for Delves. I can still prog on my Alts any time I want no matter who’s on without relying on finding a group.

My DK alt was 580 when he started them this week and is 598 now just from Delves. He was super lucky with RNG which is how it always works for my Alts it seems.

2 interupts and 30% speed boost usable all the time and you think pvp players are the problem?

Most players think drathyr racials if unchanged are absolutely cracked, and more broken than any racials have been ever if they made it live without changes. The only players that didn’t think this are people who don’t care about performance and they probably turn with their keyboard.

A drathyr priest with OG racials would now have 2 interupts and 30% movement buff. That’s class changing, that’s not flavor.

Over and over again I saw posters who were complaining that you couldn’t do heroic dungeons in gear you got from normal dungeons (554) being told that they should do bountiful tier 8 delves for gear to get their ilvl up.

Guess that wasn’t true.

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I don’t find any advice the wow community has to offer to be worth much.

Can’t disagree with you on this.

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This is not correct. What you’ve listed are the iLevels that the bountiful chests reward for that tier, NOT what the recommended iLevel for the tier is.

The correct recommended iLevels as listed in the UI are:

  • T1 - 515+
  • T2 - 532+
  • T3 - 545+
  • T4 - 548+
  • T5 - 567+
  • T6 - 574+
  • T7 - 587+
  • T8 - 600+

Aren’t those the ilvl of the drops? Not the recommendations. The recommendations are 1 tier below so T8 is 600 I think.

No honey. One interrupt and a speed boost so many others have while ours is inferior to DH.

People who don’t play Dracthyr don’t get to speak.

Except I never claimed you had to do tier 8s and if you had read, those rdcommended ilevels are apparently incorrect. Wowhead has them wrong.

584s come from Renown and weeklies. Then 571s will show up in WQs.

Yes we’ve already established that.

I have seen those claims made numerous times in the forum. Whenever I asked those making those claims what ilvl gear they dropped and whether a player in normal dungeon gear could progress in delves by equipping the gear that dropped I got silence.

I haven’t seen that said in any of the “Normals don’t drop gear for Heroics” threads. Either that or it’s someone I just don’t pay attention to because they never have anything of value to add.

I’ve seen it plenty of times, usually in a list of “what you can do to gear up enough to get into heroic dungeons”. It was usually said as “just do bountiful tier 8 delves”.

You were in some of those threads posting lists of “things you should have been doing to gear up enough to get into heroic dungeons instead of expecting to be able to do them after normals”.

I’ve been in all of them. Delves were mentioned. Don’t remember Bountiful 8s.

Did you know if you fish for Zekvir in Delves you can get random champion loot just by dying to him if he pops up? This seems to be what he gives you if you’ve earned all your maps I guess. Got a 603 Shield with a cantrip on it from Fungal Folly.