Solid nerfs to psyfiend- wait sudden revelation: ultimate sac + psyfiend is back boys

the 40% buff to hp made it way too tanky and now channel/dot reliant specs like… other shadow priests can kill it

psyfiend can once again receive external buffs. the hp nerf isnt as big as you think now.


Fake News.

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Pretty solid changes. This was by far the most annoying and Op thing about SP

not fake at all buddy

Maybe they read my post!

another solid change from blizz… what on earth is going on in dragonflight

I knew it. you can’t allow dots and channels without also allowing externals.

boys, i hope you’re ready to have to kill through a pw:shielded psyfiend now

Time to ult sac or cacoon the psyfiend to secure a kill

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