So...How Active is the Alliance RP?

Thank you for doing the Light’s work for me.


I knew you were peeking in my windows!

I got you homie.

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I’ve been visiting Stormwind one evening every week or two for the past couple of months. Mostly on this Horde character, but the other day, I actually rolled up a Night Elf as part of a “Freaky Friday Wish for a Day” scenario.

I’ve never failed to find someone with whom to engage in walk-up RP lasting at least an hour. Often times, several people. The last couple of times, I’ve had a half dozen people RP’ing with me in the Blue Recluse. One group one night was mostly Horde. The other time, it was mostly Alliance. I’ve also met people wandering around the old Cataclysm portals, Old Town, and the Brawler’s guld.

But at the same time, my character is very outgoing. She will walk up and introduce herself to complete strangers, wave other people in on ongoing conversations, and very rarely turn down an opportunity to chat. I noticed that in the Blue Recluse, a lot of players have a tendency to walk in, stop at the railing, and silently scan the room before leaving without a word.

Pardon my Shalassian, but frick that noise! :stuck_out_tongue: Get over here and introduce yourself! In Orgrimmar, most people will at least go and congregate at the bar for a bit.

I also attend a lot of server events: pub nights, markets, shows, etc. Most of them are open to Horde and Alliance, they always have plenty of Alliance characters ready to mingle.

In fact, Tam’s meeting a Night Elf later tonight for a friendly dinner in Dalaran. And she’s pursuing contacts in the Dwarven community for possible business dealings.

But that’s just my experience.

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I like you. :slight_smile:

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Feel free to add me if you’re Horde side. Also, check out and the forums for updates on events. The Howling Owl and Succulent Tarts throw particularly large and fun parties. If that’s your thing.

Hey look, it’s GD’s token reasonable person! Welcome to the server. People in general claiming the Alliance is dead are greatly exaggerating, though the RP scene is just now coming out of hibernation now that most of the people who care about that sort of thing have gotten to a gear level they find acceptable.

Hi! I’m looking for the same thing. Maybe we can help each other to find a good guild?