So...How Active is the Alliance RP?

I’m considering a transfer, and everyone always says that Horde RP is great on this server, but Alliance RP is dead.

I have always assumed that should be taken with a grain of salt, so I figured I would ask Wyrmrest people themselves.

Who is “everyone”? In my experience the folks that say alliance RP is dead do not RP on alliance. It’s certainly not as busy as Horde, but there’s plenty to do and see. If you come on over, welcome. You may wish to try an alt for a week or two to see if it’s your speed.

I recommend joining the LFRP community on a WRA character once you do transfer when looking for walk up or RP or otherwise.


In GD, when people ask about RP servers, the advice given is always, "If you’re Horde, go Wyrmrest. If you’re Alliance, go Moon Guard.

I rolled on Moon Guard, and most everyone there was very nice, but the social conventions over there are very closed. There’s very little discord talk and very little OOC relationship development, which is important for me if I’m RPing with people on a daily basis. It’s a comfort level thing.

I like walk-up, and I like crafted campaigns. I just want to see if there is a more open feel to the Alliance on Wyrmrest than on Moon Guard.


I will say it’s not quite as big as MG-A, but the people who say it’s dead are just flat out wrong. It’s pretty busy and I’ve always had good experiences Alliance side.


Three people are typing. All red backgrounds. Let’s see what the people have to say. :wink:


MG-Alliance has more people on it but my experience with playing on it and having “new to the server, LF contacts” has been “hey babey, want some ERP?”. Even with those negative experiences set aside, it’s not difficult to find RP as Alliance here on Wymrest. Mage quarter is the most active hub and criminal RP is still a thing in Old Town (or in the Slaughtered Lamb).

Darkshire in Duskwood is vibrant during the evenings and on the weekends.

Overall, the best hub you can have for finding RP is attending events, if you like those. We have a bunch of discords that are used for coordinating events or just for general chatter. If race-based RP is a crowd you like, it’s far more active and easy to find and get into on WrA vs MG.


I think that you would find more of that type of environment on WRA, if it is a bit quiet compared to Moon Guard.


You guys have convinced me. Two people in less than a half hour on the server forum is good enough for me. Ha ha ha.

Quiet is fine. My character is a very contemplative and quiet sort, herself.

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I highly recommend this server, there is a lot on both sides I wouldn’t say it was dead by any stretch, it is just easier to come across on horde, but dead ? no.

I came to this server (both alliance and horde) to get involved in the RP world, and while I was met with a few unfavorable encounters (on both sides) and it has become a bit more of a spectator sport for me, the point still stands that there is lots going on.


Thank you very much, guys. I’m making the swap right now.

/rubs hands together. Can’t wait.


Welcome to the server! Join that community, it’s quiet, but the more people join and use it the more useful it becomes. There are events posted on the calendar if you wanted to come and see how those are over on this side.



If you’re interested in kaldorei RP btw there’s a few very active groups and guilds that you can join.

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Remember that Wyrmrest Accord is a PST server, so if you’re in or close to that time zone then you’ll have more of a chance to find walk up RP.

I’ve actually moved my raiding characters over to Moon Guard since I’m EST and have found a guild that works for my play times.

Still keeping my RP folks on WrA but it’s really just about finding other people who you’re able to connect with and enjoy being around.


Thank you! My character is a human priest, however, and her life revolves around Elwynn’s villages. I’ll be hanging out to get the lay of the land for a few days. Hopefully, I’ll find a nice religious community of some sort or someone in need of a humble nobody of a priest.

I didn’t know that. I am, actually. We live on the west coast, so that’s great.

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Can’t say that I know many religious based communities but the pinned WrA information and directory should be of some use!

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As someone who has played extensively on both MG and WrA Alliance, I echo what many have already said.

MG-A is more populated. Whether that means you’ll find more of the type of RP you’re looking for there isn’t necessarily a given. A lot of the Stormwind scene (where 90% of walk-up happens) is affiliated with a large server project that operates based on quite a lot of headcanon that isn’t necessarily always in perfect alignment with the game’s lore or structure. There ARE quite a few church/cathedral/religious communities there however, so it’s definitely not a bad place to be if you’re looking for that specifically.

WrA-A has a slightly different feel. I’m not aware of any big church groups. Server projects and server canon don’t seem to be as pervasive. There are fewer people in Stormwind at any given time, but much of the RP you find will be similar to what you find on MG.

I think one of the biggest differences (and what drove me to come back to WrA recently) is the types of guilds available and the lay of the land insofar as server events go. A poster up above mentioned kaldorei guilds. There are a few to choose from on WrA that I know of. Not so much on MG. A few have tried to establish themselves over the last year or so, but none have really taken off or lasted. I’ve noticed that quite a few server events on MG are again affiliated with the big server projects in some way. So take that as you will.

All in all, it may be wise to do as someone else said and roll alts on both servers to get a feel for them. One isn’t necessarily better than the other. They’re just slightly different in community feel and a little moreso in population.


I can only echo what others have said, but I played pretty much exclusively Alliance on this server in MoP and WoD, and while I’m a Horde main these days, I still have Alliance characters I hang out on from time to time. WRA’s Alliance population isn’t what it was, but it’s decent I reckon. It’s the best server for crossfaction roleplay too - as MG’s Horde population for instance is practically nonexistant. I reckon this is a great server to RP on!


What I’m after, more than any particular story line, is people who like playing with other people. I like talking OOC to my people, and I like telling stories together IC. Hopefully, that will happen organically.

I love the idea of the religious societies on MG, and they were kind to me when I joined up over there, but they are very established, long-standing guilds that do most of their work IC and there is very little OOC socialization of any kind. That made me always worry I was pushing in and left me feeling on the outside, no matter what we did or how much RPing we did together.

I’m a player who likes other players…as much as I like the RP. If that makes sense. I just need to try a different atmosphere and see what comes of it.

I have nothing but love for the MG crowd. They’re great. I just don’t think I fit in with what they’re doing.

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I think playing both factions, both servers, has been a boon for me as a late-late-night player. Out of all 4, Horde on MG is the most sparse… yet still a lot of fun!

I hope you find what you’re looking for here :slight_smile:

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