[SoD] Vanquished Tentacle of C'Thun & The Argent Sentry Guards at Light's Hope Chapel

Bug Report - So I’m chilling out at Light’s Hopes Chapel and all of the sudden a tentacle was attacking me from AQ40! The guards decided to ignore the tentacle entirely, and slaughtered me instead.

Detailed Steps - Sit around where there’s Horde & Alliance, and someone with the [Vanquished Tentacle of C’Thun] will use it on you, you get attacked by the tentacle, and the guards will just murder you. The guards will kill the tentacle or atleast the tentacle disappears after they killed the person being attacked.

Realm: Crusader Strike (PvP)
Location: Light’s Hope Chapel
Trinket / Item Involved: [Vanquished Tentacle of C’Thun]