SoD is not classic. So Andy's everywhere. SHUT IT

tell me you main shaman without telling me LOL

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Actually I main ret paladin on ally and aff lock on horde.

I’m not a classic Andy or retail meta slave. I don’t play what’s popular. I play what I want to play and I play the way I want to.

You people understand that this modded and changed version of old wow. Still doesn’t make it classic wow.

It would be like saying world of warcraft is actually warcraft 3. Since it’s built on a modded version of the warcraft 3 game engine.

That’s how stupid all you classic players sound.

“if you don’t like it leave!!!”

this isn’t how you retain a healthy playerbase, OP

Only person sounds stupid is you bud lol

Well. As I’ve already made the statement…read it and decide for yourself then.

So to say sod “is classic” is fine. That means world of Warcraft isn’t wow. It’s wc3+.

They cashed in on the surge in popularity around classic+ private servers, claimed it would feel like vanilla then released what we have now, im glad you are enjoying it but that is the reason why people are not happy. Something like Project Epoch is what alot of people where expecting instead we got a half baked private server.
Where are the new leveling hubs and 5 man dungeons that actually feel like vanilla. :frowning:

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It was the own lead dev that said it is a classic wow… and we can’t have tanks with AoE threat (except pally and shaman) because there is another version that offers that.

I’m kinda confused. Do you have any Dev source supporting your theory? Please link their tweets / interview / blue post.

I couldn’t find a raid group as a rogue in classic and I can’t find one now so your point is invalid

sounds like someone needs a snickers lol

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Typical toxic retail soldier.