SoD Characters in Anniversary AV?

you going to do anything about the million chronoboons that were just purchased at 20s a pop and might wreck the economy or wreck a lot of players gold supply?

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Only solution is to roll back, people have like 20k honor right now. lol

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They’re also doing 4k back temple level 70 99 parse dps. Sod players are a whole expac ahead in power creep.

They’re either going to drop the price or remove them. They have a different itemid than the fresh chronoboons so it would be extremely easy to remove them.

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Anyone who bought them from the AH or other players will be totally shafted.

I think they need to do a rollback. But the longer they wait the more damage a rollback does.

It’s a messy situation.

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they have different id

Are you sure?

I don’t think this is true, they have a different sale price and different cooldown.

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Hey !


enough of this shhhhhhh


This situation is crazy, and I’m sad that I missed it.


Exploit early exploit often. The wow player motto

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So that was incredibly funny. I felt like a God among insects.

That’s what the andys get for whining on the SOD forums for a year.

Be gone with you peasant.

Well the good news for those on fresh who made it early, you now have 100 boons on AH and you’re close to honor cap for the week.

SoD boons don’t even work on anniversary, you all need to relax

So this is Classic+!

Is this actually confirmed, did you try it?

I’ve heard other people saying they 100% work.

Which one is true?

omg 40g a week? that’s like, literal slavery :roll_eyes:

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Hopefully they just reduce the price now to 20s

They shouldn’t be 10g anyway


No way you learned a new emote :expressionless:


How are people getting them?