Message in the launcher that they will be patching tomorrow at 7am to fix the issues. So guess no AV tonight?
Well its postponed fixes till tomorrow … its on launcher info…
How about an update champ?!?!
Know how to code, engineer, support and run a game? Very true of the Classic team.
There is an update on the FREAKING launcher of all places??
Why are they allergic to using the forums?
I bust my butt farming DireMaul nonstop this past week, then a lucky bunch are able to make thousands by playing 1 AV… Love it
If i put time on my 2nd account and make an alliance char, can you give a little gratitude?
they shut it down and went home lmfao. 15$ a month for what
Update posted on battle net. Maintenance tomorrow. So no BGs tonight.
Greedy blizzard cant fix their own duck ups after hours.
A launcher update is out of PR/Forum blues realm too which makes it even more funny
Surprised it’s not on Twitter. But I guess they’ve moved to the new Twitter.
wow…you already made this much gold out of this?
i now see why gnomes have higher intellect
tbh i don’t think they will do anything with gold, at best scenario they will just remove the SOD boons from whoever having them and that’s just it, because it require a lot of work to track all the trading.
Gotta go home to play with my homies in Onlyfangs, no time to work overtime and get the BGs the we never QA tested out to the players waiting. Please understand.
You believe people on the internet still?
Instead of giving us any update here they decided to put it on the launcher, no bgs until tomorrow
Have they? Link?
Problem is the whole system is run with a skeleton crew now. Also its pushing into late evening in US time zone. The on shift lead server engineer will be laughing his butt off right now.
Chanting… Overtime !! Overtime !! Overtime !!
So a fix will not happen anytime Soon * TM
Look at your blizzard launcher…
Uh does this mean no BGs until tomorrow at noon est? They need to just start BGs on Tuesday next week at this point because the window to cap is too small.
Dude, it took me an hour to drive the 405 12 miles right by them, they ain’t in a hurry to leave.