SOD Account Restrictions: how can Blizzard help new players who are affected?

I just hope people remember that you are always working to combat RMT and botting and that sometimes silence is part of the strategy.


This is simply NOT TRUE. My account is over 1 year old and more than 30 days of paid gametime in the past, yet I am restricted on Hardcore. Please explain this. I can buy wow Tokens on retail. Logged off for 24 hours and still have the restriction.

Customer service has been ZERO help. I do urge you to look at my account to verify that this issue has NOT been resolved.


What a weird thing to hope for.

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Outside of Blizzard and gaming, there’s been a lot of fraud going around lately. My industry gets people calling up pretending to be the provider then tricking customers into buying gift cards due to a “promotion”.

We’ve had to clamp down what information we’ve given to customers who haven’t authenticated and this gets us flack from customers too.


Thanks. Can you also remove mass reporting?

So, if our account is >30 days old, and we’ve done the log out for 12+ hours, and we’re still effected, we’re just…screwed?

Feels bad.

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There are legit GDKP lovers who try to deny that Blizzard is actively combating RMT. They say, “we want Blizz to punish the botters/gold sellers” when we know they already do. They actively ignore that it’s an ongoing issue that can’t be just resolved in a minute. They want more GMs in game or other unrealistic requests. Instead of just accepting the fact that GDKP is largely driven by RMT/botting.

Oh and the ridiculous notion that the AH isn’t actually policed. While Blizzard is slow to ban clearly illegitimate auctions, there’s a reason why your sale takes 1hr to arrive in the mailbox.

Yep. It’s all BS. “the fringe cases have been resolved” is a total lie. My account is over 1 year old, paid with a debit card in 2023, yet I have this restriction.

Blizzard CS wont help. “submit a bug report.”

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Is there any way to make it so that mail can be sent between alts on the same account? This is the only practical way to do high level professions or Enchanting at all.


There will be collateral damage as they said. In times of war these things happen.

I am impressed they are taking a more aggressive approach.

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Lol. I’m sure you would be posting this if your account was wrong restricted from trade. Get a grip. Do no harm; if they want to catch bots, fine, but dont hurt or impede regular players in the process.


Are you willing to refund ingame time left to those new players that pay their subscription without the knowledge of the restriction? i mean, with this movement you screw the first time experience of some new players that maybe have not any old friend playing that give him some bags, mount, armor, weapon, consums for raid, you guys are making it so hard to new ppl, this isn’t the right movement to attack RMT players/gold farmers, all the ppl that bought an suscription in the past 2 weeks should be eligible to ask and receive a refund of the rest of their subscription, because they are playing with an restriction that wasn’t advice in first place, they were not warned before they wasted they money to buy an playtime in a game with restricted actions the first month, you should think about them, you are scaming them due you should apply the changes after the “Article ID: 358296” was posted, not before, i know that sounds aweosome the term “ninja movement” but you should know that is an scam to all new players, no matter if they ill become on bots or if they ill become true endgame players, this is a bad faith move agains all current new players.


What about adding a cell/authenticator to bypass this?


For those wondering, this part is false. Many accounts that were erroneously flagged are still restricted.

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it was a small number and an error. If its an error, they will be working to fix it. It stinks to be inconvenienced if you are indeed wrongfully locked out. But seething isnt going to fix the problem for you. CS forum if you havent already.

Just a question, but did you click Self-Found option on your character (assuming level 59 or lower)?

this is a great move to help stop RMT. they owe new players nothing. new players can make friends and get help from their friends just like the post said. are you the kind of player that whines nothing is being done about bots and RMT, then whines when something is done about bots and RMT?

Out of curiosity, has a single person who had their account erroneously flagged actually had their account restored? I have yet to see a success story (I’ll be sure to post mine when it hits).

Create a ticket.

CS forums are players providing information to assist and the occasional SFA Blue.

I have. Blizzard CS says there is nothing they can do and for me to “file a bug report”