Not recruiting



Hey - dad here! Sent you a message on discord from Runics. Hope you have room for a feral drood!

Sent a friend request. I couldn’t get the messaging to work on Discord…

Grizzabelle: 20 Druid (Balancenow, maybe Resto at 25) and Bunnhilde: 14 Warrior (definitely planning to tank).

Am in a similar guild on retail, and it’s pretty awesome. I’m an old fart, disabled vet, and retired/disabled middle school teacher that simply loves camaraderie and has a low tolerance for BS and drama. Been playing since TBC launched, and I’m all about the journey, professions, epic quest lines, and guild groups doing pretty much anything.


Greetings,I have also sent a message request in Discord. I’m coming back after a long hiatus but will be working on a Priest. But I’ve been playing since 2007 and my speciality is holy priest healing with a frost mage on the side :slight_smile:

Still looking for more socials to do dungeons with, etc.

Still looking for more socials!

Added you on Bnet. Hopefully talk to you later. This is definitely me and my playstyle

Hey there! I am currently on horde chaos bolt but unable to really find a guild. This description is exactly what im looking for. I am willing to re-roll for the right experience / group. I sent you a friend request on Bnet and Discord (Brokkr will be in the name). Hope to chat!

Looking for social people who talk instead of expecting everyone else to do all the talking!

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Looking for DPS and 1 healer for a new 10-man!

LFM for a 2nd 10man!

Still looking!

Hello raktar here from (freshly seasoned) . I am a recruiter for my small guild and we are in the same boat, we need players for the 20 man raid but also would like to join up for gnomer. If you need some spots filled we got you. If this interests you, please message me back and we can setup a time to discuss more. Thank you

Absolutely interested in talking more!

Add me to (Kaelani#1390) or on Discord @ Kaelani

We’re still looking! :slight_smile:

Been raiding with guys for a while, great people!

Looking for a few dps to round out our 20mans!

Come join us!

LF a Feral Druid!!
And a few other dps!

We’re currently in need of another feral, and always looking for exceptional dps