Social Guilds?

This seems to be a big raiding server with alot of raiding guilds, but are there any fairly large social guilds here? Thanks

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There are plenty of Social guilds out there if you look through guild-finder under the Social tab for what you may want. Also many Casual progressive raiding guilds have more of a Social aspect to them besides raiding.

I did look at guild finder but it’s very out of date.

Hi Jingsengchi,

Most guilds have some aspect of social to them, including raiding guilds - best to look through forums, talk to people and see if their brand of social is what you’re looking for :slight_smile:

I will add my guild Cktail Hour (which is pretty social) 's recruiting message below. We’d be happy to chat and see if it’s a good fit for us both! Best of luck wherever you land!

Cocktail Hour ( in game search >Cktail Hour< ) is a newer guild (70+ and growing) on Stormrage with experienced, helpful, and responsive members & leadership.

We are welcoming all classes & experience levels looking for a new home that are interactive, have fun doing content, (or just hanging out in discord). We raid with friends of the guild weekly, but will have a team in place for War Within that will be casual and AOTC focused.

We offer an environment free of BS, with chill adults just enjoying the game and RL downtime, but knowing real life comes first. Social and engaged guild chat, great discord, organized Guild M+ events, free repairs, and M+ Keys from 2 to 19+ run daily!

We love to help returning and newer players learn ( & re-learn) the game, and have a home to feel comfortable doing content with guildies in a no-stress environment.

We are welcoming the person first, not the IO score or raid clears. Helping and supporting player development whether it’s gearing, dungeon experience, or general information support without elitism or cliques.

Feel free to BNET GM’s or apply through guild finder!

Draven @ OliveWight#13479
KrissyDanger @ Bnet: Acee#11850

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Hey jing!

Violet Rose is looking for more people!!! We are a newish guild bout a month old and have new and returning players!

We dip our feet in all contentnto try and be a rounded guild for everyone!

Lots of us restarted or are leveling new characters to get ready for s4 and WW.

I am hosting our first guild event april 6th, A night through the ages!

If any of this sounds good add me on bnet or discord!

Bnet - Subs#1886
Discord- Jewbaccathehut

Hey there, if interested in a social guild, why not check out CAFFEINATED CHAOS, on Alliance Stormrage? It is run by 2 of my best gal pals in game! Fun events AND an active discord!

Here is my recruitment spam:

If you’d like an invite or simply want to know more, please hmu via discord: wigglehugs

Can’t wait to hear from you, have a great day!

<3 / Gail