So you're telling us

Imagine actually thinking that Acti-Blizz listens to their playerbase.


“The angriest are the loudest”

Doesn’t make you right.

The big meme is that we’ll never know when the subs truly hard dive because in WoD, subs plummeted so hard that they conceded to never show them again


I just want a portal to the capital citys in pandaria not jade forest

Sure. But in the case we are.

I’ve enjoyed flying over the same content from 10+ years ago!!! Totally beats porting…

Rolls eyes

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“Thousands of players” IS NOT MOST PLAYERS. This game has MILLIONS of players. Even 30,000 players is only 1% of all of us.

5% of players disagree with EVERYTHING. That’s 150,000 players. Blizzard CANNOT go along with every idea that 150,000 players agree with. It is impossible. There are more than 150,000 players on BOTH sides of EVERY argument.