So, you want to join the Horde?

(This is what you should expect now that the war is over.)

You better be ready to expose some SAIDOCHESTO.

(This is a Danberu thread. The anime is How Heavy are the Dumbells you Lift.)

Recently I watched this anime and whoa boy was it better than I expected. It’s that goofy, slice of life you don’t expect to work and yet it just does.

Has anyone else watched it? If so, what are your thoughts?


Is that a JoJo reference?!

Anything can be a Jojo reference if you just pose hard enough.


Is it too late for me to join the alliance…? x.x


WHAT I WANT… is my Horde… back.

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Honestly, the end of the Warchief is the best thing that has happened to the Horde since the Burning Crusade expansion.

Time to break the Orc stranglehold on Horde politics and embrace what the Tauren, Trolls, Elves, Forsaken, Goblins, Pandaren and Vulpera can bring to the table.

After all, they literally cannot make things any worse for the Horde than the way things are now…


Yes. I’m sorry but it’s time to get macho.

We host weekend muscle meets and provide you with a spiked jockstrap as a welcome gift. Also there are no chairs or benches for the weight machines. You squat and/or stand.

Let’s get MACHO.


Yeah…except this latest version of the Horde had the Forsaken and Goblins at the helm. And we see how that worked out.

I hate to say it, but as time’s gone on it’s become obvious that Thrall’s Horde was an aberration in the “natural order” of such an organization. The Horde are simply destined to be the Bad Guys, it’s just a question as to what form that will take.

Right now I’m banking on Elvish Superiority being the next flavor of Monster rising from the Horde’s ranks, though Baine could always go “They shall learn of our peaceful ways BY FORCE!”

Even for Blizzard, that would be horrifically tone-deaf.

I’m not saying its not possible, but even Blizzard would have to realise that would kill WoW’s RP scene, and their most reliable pool of suckers/die-hard players/money sponges.

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I feel like you are tremendously overvaluing the RP scene when it comes to Blizzard’s development decisions. Especially this late into its development life.

The design decision right now seems to be time-gating so aggressively that it compels people to stay logged in for as long as possible.

Now to engineer a few crisis on Azeroth, make Talanji the main figurehead in the council and then bait some group like the DKs into committing treason so Talanji can announce that the Horde is being re-organized into the First Golden Horde! For a safer, securer… society!

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Just point me to the government official of the Horde you need runeblade’d and I’ll get this taken care of.

Free of charge.

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Accurate. * Sage nod. *

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I don’t watch the show, but the OP SLAPS.

rise and grind gamers lets get these weights

True warriors do not watch anime.

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Oh be quiet, Air Compressor.


This is what you should expect now that the war is over.

I don’t understand what this phrase means. Is this elvish?

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Not sure, think he said increase funding to the Golden Navy reconstruction effort and draw up plans to bomb Boralus Harbor.

Oh my lawd we gettin’ swole together?