I think a larger issue is that in a game where all playable races have both male and female options, the current sethrak model is used for both and a female model might be difficult to design because they’re non-mammalian. They’d either have to make a model that’s just different enough but not too different from the males, or go the route that WildStar went with the chua and leave out gender options entirely.
snake tiddies.
because the heck with logic.
but that wouldnt work because of sethraliss and other female snakes.
Well, as for why they would be on Alliance it’s because the have Horde gotten all the cool Allied races. Alliance deserves a few.
Nobody was convinced, it was always just wishful thinking.
You can’t blame Alliance players for wanting Sethrak, it’s not their fault Blizzard consistent fails with Alliance allied races. It’s a Blizzard problem. They gave the Horde several intersting and unique NPC races, while just giving Alliance humans humans humans and a vrykul-esque humanoid race. You can’t blame the Alliance for making grabby hands at the ONE REMAINING UNIQUE AND INTERESTING RACE IN THE GAME that hasn’t yet thrown up the red banner.
I hear this from a few people on the forums but it is simply false… Adaea you don’t speak for the player base. When Mechagon was first announced it was pretty much assumed we’d get mechagnomes as a race, this was no “big surprise”
Not convinced, they are just projecting their wants.
The only people who were convinced they would be Alliance were people who never actually did the full vol’dun storyline on the Horde side.
The Horde:
- Saves Vorrik
- Unites the Sethrak and Vulpera against the faithless
- Puts down the faithless rebellion and slays Emperor Korthek
- Fights together with Vorrik against the revival of Mythrax, the one who turned Vol’dun into a desert.
- Retakes the Temple of Sethraliss and revives the loa of the Sethrak who will one day turn vol’dun lush and green again.
The Alliance:
- Does 1 short quest chain with Vorrik to make him an antidote.
It was obvious the Sethrak were never going Alliance. It’s just that the Alliance side of BFA was so barren of new races that the Alliance players were desperate for something, anything, to be a new Alliance allied race.
Blizzard should have done something with the squid-headed tide priests to make them an Alliance allied race and so the Alliance would have access to the undead skeletons/animations. Oh well.
They’d either have to make a model that’s just different enough but not too different from the males
Already exists, Sethraliss uses it in game.
Scroll down to “The Female Model”.
When Mechagon was first announced it was pretty much assumed we’d get mechagnomes as a race, this was no “big surprise”
It wasn’t a surprise, no, really just more of a slowly growing horror.
I recall multiple threads begging Blizzard to please, god, don’t do this. They didn’t listen, obviously.
I think a larger issue is that in a game where all playable races have both male and female options, the current sethrak model is used for both and a female model might be difficult to design because they’re non-mammalian. They’d either have to make a model that’s just different enough but not too different from the males, or go the route that WildStar went with the chua and leave out gender options entirely.
Come to the Sethrak discussion thread we’d love to tell you about our thoughts on this. The short version is, that they can make the female model based off of the changes between normal Sethrak and Sethraliss’ avatar. Some slight changes that don’t greatly show the normal mammalian dimorphisms but still single them out. For instance female snakes are often a fair bit bigger than their male counterparts.
Theres plenty more we talk about so come on over and we’ll share.
snake tiddies.
mechagnomes as a race, this was no “big surprise”
It was very clear when we started Datamining Mechagnomes that they and the Vulpera would be paired. No one should have been surprised.
It was obvious the Sethrak were never going Alliance. It’s just that the Alliance side of BFA was so barren of new races that the Alliance players were desperate for something, anything, to be a new Alliance allied race.
Very true. Though we don’t count it out yet. Come down to the Sethrak Discussion thread and we would be happy to share our best thought out dreams. lol
Sethrak for the players!