You’re just polluting this thread when I wasn’t even asking you tbh.
Sure. But still.
You cannot discount 13 months of Vanilla Hunter gameplay (the time it lasted back then) just because the change conveniently falls before 1.12
It wasn’t even a class redesign balance, it was a taming change.
No, you’re not. You’re asking for patch progression specifically for just hunter pets. You’re cherry picking the one thing you want for your class.
As Eloraell noted, Blizzard has said we are getting 1.12 gameplay systems with a content release schedule. That means pets as they were in 1.12.
Could Blizzard go back and update the pets? Sure, even if they didn’t have the code that update it wouldn’t take that long.
but once we start down that road, why is your pet thing the only thing that they should do this for? Blizzard isn’t going to do this for every system in the game, so why are Hunter pets so special they alone deserve the one exception to what Blizzard told us is happening?
It has nothing to do with what I want. That’s the way it bloody happened back then.
The real cherry picking is changing it to not happen at all on THIS release.
So you’re not currently planning on playing a hunter?
Actually, we literally can. Because that’s what’s happening. We’re working off reality here.
you can still get this guy at 47. super fast attack speed
He’s definitely 37
ah must have changed his level in retail. in vanilla he’s 1.0 attack speed
lol he’s 62 in retail.
Hunters were not the only class that got hotfixed and changed. There’s plenty of classes that had abilities modified and hotfixed to work different in the patches prior to 1.12. And they cannot have their old systems back any more than you can.
You can’t have your pre- 1.12 pets. Just like Rogues cannot have their pre-weapon swap mechanics back, and Warriors cannot have their pre-normalization rules back, and Mages cant have their pre-diminishing returns CC back and Shamans cant have their pre-1.12 Invulnerable Mail functionality back and on and on and on.
No one gets their fun and or broken and or exploitable pre 1.12 mechanics back. Including you.
Don’t shoot the messenger bro.
You want it and they’re not telling you no. They’re telling you Blizzard said no.
He’s whining because he wants overpowered pets for personal benefit, and he’s not going to take “No” for an answer. Doesn’t matter who the messenger is. Debating him is pointless.
My feelings are irrelevant.
People are being selective on what they do/don’t want in regards to no changes.
It’s hypocritical. The foundation is 1.12 yes. But there are plenty of things that are going to behave as they were before that… My question which im asking multiple times is why hunter pets are singled out?
Name one thing
I want the Patch 0.7 version of Mages being able to cast a spell to unlock lockboxes.
Dungeon gear, Pvp gear, world bosses, Rogue changes, mounts.
And yet, nothing you’ve said here is anything but your feelings.
No, these aren’t our feelings. These are the statements of Blizzard. We’re not arguing for a preference, we’re telling you you aren’t getting yours because Blizzard already made the declaration as a blanket statement, instead of saying “1.12” to every post that anyone ever makes asking for a change… like you.
And your answer has been posted repeatedly. They are NOT being singled out, they are being set to 1.12 JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE.
People posted a Blizzard note. It was clear. It was concise. It described how itemization is going to work in Classic, among other things. No one owes you a justification for anything. Certainly no one here on the forum.