So, Where's the Support from Blizzard?

A big reason players moved from private servers to Classic servers was because the game was authorized by Blizzard. And with that meant all the resources owned by Blizzard would be available to ensure support for the game. However, Blizzard is thus far providing less support and interaction than the private servers. They are not communicating properly, they are not banning exploiters and botters and cheaters, and they are not responding to the needs of the community. Why even play Blizzard’s version if it’s objectively the worst version of Vanilla out there? Why aren’t they doing literally anything to help Classic?! Doesn’t anybody else notice this; I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.


No offense but you probably are taking crazy pills. I’ve been satisfied with the banned people on my realm that got to rank 10 then lost it all. Not to mention the speedy ticket handling when we had issues with loot and the resetting of the Hunter demons when they got bugged somehow a while back on my server.

:woman_shrugging: I dont agree with everything they do, but the support has been great considering I expected nothing when they said they werent gonna have many csr’s for classic. My experience has been that this was a liiiieeeeee.

What is it that you are not getting responses on? Just wondering


You’re not taking crazy pills. If Classic was a private server, it would be played, but it’d be far from “part of the Pserver scene”. Ala a lot like Rebirth pserver.

The reason why people play here is mostly from two factors: permanence and consistency. Nearly every pserver project outside of Nostalrius is littered with corrupt administrators to the point it’s adversely effecting game play.

These servers also tend to have a unknown life span. Usually needing to hide from Blizzards reach, which the community has only found out in the most recent years that setting up shop in Russia makes them nearly untouchable.

Pserver is absolutely the better Vanilla experience. The communities are far more engaged with their admins/devs, they strive to compromise 2020 ideals with the pursuit of being as close to Vanilla as possible, and they don’t run off of some potato Legion style server architecture that can’t perform when there are 200 bodies on screen.

What really is amazing is the masses are going to let themselves get played again when “Classic TBC” comes out. Blizzard has demonstrated that they did not learn from the experiences of successful pservers and are bound to repeat their miss givings once again for TBCs launch. I can’t wait to read the seething Reddit threads about Spell Batching ruining Arena :wink:

It’s a shame, really, but it is probably more so a issue internally with how the company is managed than the actual desire of the team.

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That was your assumption. That is what it meant to you.

There is a huge difference between interaction with 3,000 people playing 1 game, and interacting with 2,000,000 people playing 2 games.

You and I may not notice this difference, but if you worked for a company and you were in charge of customer interaction, you would notice the difference between 3 thousand customers and 2 million customers.

Edit: it isn’t fair to compare the companies, BUT if all you are comparing is the player experience, then I agree – it is very different.

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What’s boggling is they had a very legit crew from Nostalrius that could have been of a great asset to Classics development. As far as I know this resource was not tapped or at least from the product we received, it appears it was not heavily relied upon.

The “reference client” is also extremely shady. Especially when it doesn’t match up with patch notes and in some cases—current retail. There’s a reason it is memed as a stock MaNGOS client.

because it’s not illegal.

Blizzard called in those dudes from the biggest private server after shutting them down and asked for advice. I guess they just didn’t take it?!

OP makes multiple threads a week expecting an immediate response from Blizzard. His ego is astronomical.

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Why are these posts always made by Nelf druids?