So.. where's Talanji?

It’s among the jumbled and random dialog datamined, the one that includes stuff from the vulpera recruitment quests.

I can’t imagine that. She really likes the Horde and several leaders, such as Rokhan and Baine. She just didn’t want Zandalar to be beholden to a warchief.

To be honest I think this council is better than what she was going into the Horde with, since now by sitting on the council she could have a say in the Horde’s politics and future.

Zandalari and Vulpera get along with one another. Kiro, the vulpera leader, even attended Rastakhan’s funeral and Talanji’s coronation. Where’s this “especially” coming from, did you see Talanji speak poorly of the vulpera or something? She’s a pretty chill person when it comes to other races, I have no idea why you would assume otherwise.

Heck vulpera were among the friends of the Zandalari than Gonk mentioned who Talanji swore to help protect as part of her trial to become Queen.


When that does happen, it will basically mean that the Talajani and Rokhan will basically be of the same rank. I wonder how the other troll tribes will feel about the Darkspear getting elevated above all their tribes in terms of authority. Will Forest Trolls and Frost Trolls and Desert Trolls all demand their tribe has it’s own seat as well?

Everyone speaks poorly of the vulpera…behind their backs…

Well none of them are members of the Horde, so they’d have to join first to get a seat.

Though hey let them hate on the Darkspear, it’s all they ever do anymore.


The Revantusk are…which raises the question of if other members (Revantusk, Stonemaul, Taunka, etc… ) will be represented on the council or if it’s just the playable races.


I think Talanji is done for this expansion, but will come back to the expansion, whether next or not, centered on Death/Shadowlands given that Talanji was promised to Bwonsamdi (who in turn serves presumably Muehzela, as is speculated) so with Sylvanas gone, the two “Death” forces exclusive to Horde will be Talanji and Calia.

Likewise, in the Alliance side, the two “Death” forces at the moment would appear to be perhaps KulTirans (what with Thros and Thornspeakers), Night Elves in general (Wisps presumably have a relation to the Shadowlands, and thus Elune), and maybe the Draeni (with their Auchindun spirituality).

Death Knights vis-a-vis Ebon Blade double dip.

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Um, hate to tell you this, but: G’huun was pointless.


They should use her as a focal point for the Horde to have animosity toward the Alliance. Like Tyrande/Genn not being satisfied with the outcome of the war and still wanting vengeance toward the opposing faction.

That’s the only sensible way I see the Horde and Alliance having conflict moving forward.


Except they don’t, they specifically want Sylvanas’ head. Maybe Malfurion’s a different story, maybe, since we didn’t hear much from him, but the other two won’t be satisfied without killing “the banshee.” And the banshee is no longer Horde, not that the Horde was ever more to her than an alliance of convenience.

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Genn very clearly doesn’t trust the Horde to not attack the Alliance again. Same with Tyrande, with the talk of Drums of War and Stormwind being next

Funny, seeing as Jaina said they’d burn Teldrassil after Theramore…

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It is going to make for extremely uninteresting content moving forward if they are not going to have conflict between the Alliance and the Horde. That’s my entire point.

They could easily go after the Horde. There’s no love lost between Genn/Tyrande and the Forsaken either. They could be an easy scapegoat. Calia would really not like any sort of action against the Forsaken with the way her story is going.

Not even to mention that I am sure the Zandalari are not going to be satisfied considering their King died.

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Possible case of someone on the Horde having to forgo the pursuit of justice for the sake of the greater good, just like many on the Alliance side have been forced to do over the years.

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Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Just like it remembers that Jaina abandoned the Horde AND Alliance during LEGION in hopes the Legion would be victorious just so she could say “told you so.” and then is allowed into Stormwind like nothing happened.

And that Blizzard tried to absolve her lack of comeuppance by saying “well she killed some trash mob somewhere.”

It shows who they plan comeuppance for and who they don’t.

Talanji one day “BRING ME THE HEAD OF JAINA PROUDMOORE!” Blizzard will retcon it to her saying “There’s worse than you, there’s Sylvanas, and while I share no love loss for you, the time for hatred and bloodshed must end. It will not end with me removing your head from your body. It will end with Sylvanas’s falls.”

or something stupid like that.

Does The New Horde Council = Thrall?


Wasn’t it Genn Greymane who helped the Alliance Players murder the Zandalari King?

It did give us MOTHER, whom I just love as a character.

To be fair, Rastakhan was given the choice of surrendering. He chose to fight and it is implied towards the end of the encounter he actually wanted to die because he realized that making a deal with Bwonsamdi was a mistake and it was too late to turn back on it.

King Rastakhan yells: Dis darkness threatens to consume my soul! I must… be free of it!

King Rastakhan yells: Dis power… dis death… it is a curse, not a blessing! Oh daughter… what have I done?

Also Bwonsamdi did allow him to die as he just watches us kill him in phase 4 without doing anything.

Yea RIP Rastakhan. Its too bad we never got a chance to see what Bwonsamdi is actually doing with his plans since Zandalari haven’t been seen since patch 8.1

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And the same rehashed Red vs Blue over and over and over again is your idea of interesting? :smirk: This conflict overstayed its welcome back in MoP, let alone now.


conflit doesn’t feel good only because it’s story only, while wpvp was murdered and classes are bad. In classic conflict is raging because enemy faction is actually actively tries to ruin your day and you do so in return.

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Rastakhan didn’t want to die. Dying doesn’t remove his bargain as Bwonsamdi is the one who got to claim his soul. He dies upset that he has passed his deal with Bwonsamdi on to his daughter.

Also. Storming into his city, slaughtering his forces, and pillaging his treasury and then telling him to surrender or die isn’t much of an ultimatum. Any character that actually complied with that request isn’t worthy of being called king.


Rastakhan was actually a genius, sacrificing himself to make Anduin and Jaina wuss out from ending the war. “We can’t attack them while they mourn!”

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