So.. where's Talanji?

Is she even mentioned in 8.3? Whatever happened with “Bring me Jaina proudmoore head” anyway? Sylvanas had no part in that story

Or as we could assume - glorious zandalari empire was just a filler and now forgotten?


I was thinking the same thing.

Could be a situation with how they handle Sylvanas in Legion where shes warchief and made a deal with Heyla… and nothing else developed.

I mean, to be honest the whole Zandalari empire thing seemed less of a thing to me than the Kul’Tirans.

It’s bound to happen when the current Lord Admiral is a long-standing Warcraft character and the face of some BfA advertisement.

On a personal note, thank god, I hated her character. Never liked trolls, Zandalari even more.


The Zandalari appears in the Vulpera Recruitment. The Naga have been invading Zuldazar and the Zandalari are losing the fight. I am assuming Talanji will appear, or some Zandalari troll as there is troll dialogue talking about it.


What Zallaka said. The Zandalari, which means Talanji, are busy securing the borders of the Empire from the Naga. It’s also worth noting that Talanji made it clear she has allied with the Horde, not joined it, meaning she’s not likely to have anything more than an honorary seat on this new council of Horde leaders.


Was this pre or post Eternal Palace?

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Post. It is in 8.3

It has to be weird for Talanji, your father gets killed because of his association with the horde.

She swore he allegiance to Sylvanas under the understanding that it would be on equal terms.

And now the horde has lost the war, no warchief, and their looking to add Allaince character in their government (Calia).

Makes all she went thought kinda pointless.


Let me guess…

They’re gonna have Talanji start the next war on the Alliance and be portrayed in the wrong.

“Bring me Jaina Proudmoore’s head!” would be important.

Why do we get to hear what every leader thinks about this new ‘peace’.

Seems Blizzard’s going all in on “Sylvanas must pay!! We must get her!!” train, cause it’s all they are capable of.

it would have been nice that Talanji would be “Jaina will pay” in the midst of all that, but like always, they will forget about it. Talanji killing Jaina to spark the next war between Horde and Alliance and being the next Warchief would be great. But they’d eventually ruin her.


Horde still did saved zandalari from g’huun, not everything was pointless


Talanji had a lot of light in BFA, which makes sense overall it did deal a lot with her people early on and I imagine she’ll play a larger role again when the faction war heats up again and shes back to demanding revenger for her father. Infact every major Horde character has had a decent amount of light this expansion, we know how all of them have felt through the entire expansion about what’s been happening.

Wanna talk about a so wheres ____? Where’s Velen? Dude’s whole role in BFA was to show Alliance players Tyrande walking out on Anduin to go the Darkshore. What about the Dwarven Leaders and the LF Draenei leader they haven’t even shown up once! :rofl: I guess I can’t include Mekkatorque because he did show up to fight gallywix but that was the extent of his involvement.

In a faction war expansion there was a not so surprising lack of Alliance leaders in this Horde v Horde expansion.


She fulfilled her purpose and no longer needs to exist. She overthrew the patriarchy and proved herself the strong beautiful woman her tired old man could never be.


Overthrew? And what patriarchy? Female trolls play prominent, powerful roles in Zandalari society, and she didn’t overthrow anything. She supported her father right up to the end, inherited the crown, and seeks vengeance for his death. Not exactly a revolution.

I will agree that she “proved herself the strong, beautiful woman that her tired old man could never be.” That is factually accurate.


Sylvanas is everyone’s scapegoat, kind of like Red Herring from the Pup Called Scooby Due. The fact that Sylvanas sought out an alliance with the Zandali is more than enough reason to deflect all her anger and blame to Sylvanas. I will guarantee the next time we see Talanji she will be on the same boat as all the others who gleefully slaughtered the Alliance but are not sooooo sorryyyyyy lol.

It will go something like “If it wasn’t for Sylvanas my father will still be alive”…derp


She will learn to forgive or face the villain bat and death.

can’t wait until she has to work side by side with jaina.


J: _“About your father, yeah my bad”

T: “Don’t mention it girl! I totally supported the faction that was slaughtering the the Alliance by the boat loads”

J: “Awwww, thanks”

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Jaina didn’t even kill Rastakhan though. It could have been the Alliance PC or Genn maybe? Either way, she’ll probably end up…

blaming it all on Sylvanas.


without horde he’d be fed to ghuun :stuck_out_tongue: Zul planned everything

To be fair, Jaina indirectly killed her own dad, too. And dated a guy who ended up killing his own dad.


and she is the aunt of a guy who lost his dad.

i am worried about genn now.

And you know what? Taelia… yeah her dad is now the lich king.

don’t forget that calia is going to become the forsaken leader so she will have to be super friendly with even another alliance character.

and we all are going to live in peace and harmony and you WILL like it!

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