So what's the plan for Classic realms?

I logged into my 60 shamans realm as a goof and there are 3 people online.


I think classic era will start to have more people soon since SoM ended

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Which realm? Many of the Classic Era servers were connected (blizzard’s term for a merge) with the other servers in their timezone region. This bluepost should let you know which realms you are linked with:


I’m in the one with pagle seems extremely dead everytime I log on. Where should I go

I’m not claiming there are lots of people on, but remember that the slash who command is broken. Just watched a fellow today run around Orgrimmar doing Bank business as I was doing / who all commands and he never showed up. He was even on my server unlike many of the others.

Pagle is in the NA PvE East cluster which should actually be the more populated one since its connected to Mankrik. Mankrik in Classic Era receives free PvE transfers while Whitemane (PvP West) receives free PvP transfers. I would advise rolling a level 1 on any prospective cluster and chatting with the locals.