So uh.. where'd Heritage Armor go?

heritage armor is “bonus content” when they have time in .5 patches. Nothing else. Right now all devs have been put to finish DF asap and get out of SL. They quickly moved to rush dev to stop the sub drops.

im sure they’lll come out with the new pieces as soon as the wod transmogs return in a future patch*

Yeah, I am sure the army of the race that at one time rule nearly the entire known world did so while wearing “armorkini” :slight_smile:

looks at darkshore warfront nelf soldiers…you sure about that >.>

Well, i suppose… send the scantily clad ladies to do their dance and while the opposing army is standing there confused and maybe a little turned on…

Then comes The glaives! Oh yes! the rain of glaivy death!

Employee: "Hey uh, boss, when do you think I should start on the other Heritage Armors?


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Do you want a new patch or do you want to pay another 50 dollars for a bad expansion that they promised this time it will be different!

Yes because that wasn’t the NE military, it was the survivors who were fighting back with what ever they had on hand. The heritage armor is supposed to reflect the races past.

“Boy howdy I sure hate this pizza parlor, so I should show them I hate them by ordering the largest pizza I can and hate-eat it as I glare into their eyes, that’ll show them how much I hate them instead of leaving for another pizza parlor!”

oh you mean what recent history says we’re getting regardless?

I ate it! Im sorry ok it smelled good! D:

abandoned when blizzard realized it did not increase the play time of their players, therefore did not increase profits, so a waste of time to develop and abandoned half way through.


Is this a trick question? I want a new patch, Dragonflight looks terrible

I just want the bfa npc bikini/mankini for my nelfs :sob:
It’s already in the game, Blizzard!

Seriously the fact that theyd show us that set and then not give it to us is some sort of crime

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