I say possibly because it could be a use case for delves since I haven’t tested it much in dungeons (and in normal dungeons I’m rarely, if ever, in danger of pulling threat from the tank when it’s on CD so it’d be hard to tell). The Hero Talent “So Tricky” in the Trickster tree doesn’t seem to be transferring threat to Brann in delves. Normal TotT works fine, I press it, start combat, and as soon as I’ve done a global or 2 everything I’ve hit goes running off to fight Brann instead of me. But when I use So Tricky and get the 60 minute buff, it just seems to do nothing. I have threat on everything I deal damage to. Has anyone else experienced this inside or outside of delves? I understand Trickster is not a popular hero tree right now so sample size might be low.
I think it’s just Brann. Or some mobs not having a regular aggro table.
Works a treat in M+.
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I’ve noticed that it needs to be re-cast if you die, if Brann dies, or if you out-range him. There might be other instances but those are the ones I’ve noticed.
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Brann also has a Fein Death like ability, so keep an eye out for that as well.
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It’s spotty, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. But it’s literally the only way I managed to complete a T8 Delve, so if Blizz takes it away I guess I’ll just turn to ash
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