I think it’s less making fun of Carano and more mocking the rampant hypocrisy of cancel culture and those who enforce it.
And I would suspect the “other thread” was locked less because it was about Carano and more that devolved into hundreds of responses filled with rampant insults; ageism and generationalism; economic ignorance (“blue states produce, red states consume”); and various other demonstrations of the disturbing degree of political brainwashing that has effectively dehumanized and demonized half the country.
I sort of followed the locked thread, and now this one.
I haven’t contributed to either because they quickly devolved into the usual off topic left vs right arguing between a couple individuals throwing clichés.
The actual OP in the first thread, and this one, was support for the actress, and complaining about “cancel culture” (speaking of clichés).
So I almost hit the little heart under Pamarlaiya’s post above when it accurately explained what this mess is, until even that post had to through in an unrelated political opinion.
For the record I’m a strong supporter of free speech, but I don’t think it applies to any non-government entity protecting a valued PR image, and I constantly see free speech attacked by extremists on both the right and the left.
So there, now you have my useless semi-off topic comment in before the lock.
Yeah I love how Disney picks and chooses when they’re going to take a stand.
Like when they picked James Gunn back up and before someone comes in here to defend him because “like GotG is my favorite movie!”, you need to read all those Tweets he made. They were so vile that I would never leave a child alone with that guy.
And it’s interesting how quick they forgive Gunn but this Gina lady and Roseanne Barr are completely irredeemable. I wonder why…
I was once asked by my management for a recommendation for who would be best for a certain job.
A person I had recommended got the position and later told me he’d found out I’d recommend him and said he’d always thought I didn’t like him. I told him that, in fact, I didn’t like him and considered him an (language not allowed on these forums) but they had asked me who could best handle the job, not who I would like to hang with.
So, I apologize for misinterpreting your OP; sometimes intent can be misconstrued.
Yeah if she said some of those things then I’m upset with her for doing that. My point was how come they fire her but kept the Avengers director guy? I can’t remember his name.
For every Chick-fil-A or In-N-Out there’s a Hard Rock Café or Wonderful Brands …
In spite of anything you might have heard corporations are not people, but they are run by people.
As long as CEOs are human companies will have political leanings.
With few exceptions there are two kinds of people who are truly conservative or liberal, politicians and those who don’t think for themselves.
Many of my neighbors have signs on their lawns that say, “Black Lives Matter”. Would you assume none of these people strongly support second amendment rights?
If you drive out into the suburbs you start seeing “Repeal the SAFE Act” signs on lawns (the reference is the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013, a gun control law). Would you assume none of these people support Planned Parenthood?
An elderly man of my acquaintance passed away late last year, he was a retired Army Colonel who had served in WWII, he was a hard-core supporter of a strong military, a lifelong Republican, a supporter of second amendment rights, a devout Christion, and a fiscal conservative. His wife delayed submitting paperwork to get VA benefits she had coming till after the recent inauguration because they may have the name of the outgoing President on them, a man her husband had despised so much she refused to have any of her husband’s records with that name on them.
Most intelligent people look at every issue individually and make up their minds, many ignorant people think politics is a team sport and support “their team” believing what they are told to believe.