So the Valor System Will be Dead on Arrival (UPDATE)

Remember when there was valor that you could acquire towards the purchase of non tier set pieces to supplement your set until you got the drops to go your way and acquired the tier set pieces… and no one complained?

I do.


the system isnt broken it just doesnt function as you want it to so its broken by your unrealistic standards.


The idea isn’t that valor becomes your primary progression. That’s still the same as it was in 9.0 (but with the hotfixed loot quantity buffs we got a few weeks back).

The idea is that you can use valor to “fill” slots you’re lagging behind in until you get an actual drop from whatever you’re normally running (in this case, the Vault, because that’s kinda how M+ is designed now - a pseudo lockout).

I’m pretty sure the “you can only upgrade gear you earn after 9.0.5 drops” stipulation is a technical side effect of adding this system in the middle of a patch/season/tier/whatever, not a deliberate decision to slow down players. If it were coming in 9.1, you wouldn’t even notice.

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Are people just think about today and have no vision of the future ? Whining about not being able to upgrade current gear. It’s nice system for all the futur dungeons we will do in current and future patches.

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To me the weird thing is that we’ve seen this cycle how many times now?

Way to obtain gear is introduced → players want upgrades → Blizz adds upgrades, but due to technical limitations it only works on newly dropped items

Like at this point it can’t be unforeseen that players would want an upgrade path, can the capacity for some kind of upgrade not be added in advance?


Oh no, Blizzard would never design systems to slow down players…

BTW, you seen my flight whistle lately?


more systems to fix what they broke in the first place, keys never needed touched. btw blizz raids get more loot why not keys? quit making me spend more and more time doing things cause its obvious your only goal is to slow and forget having a real fun game.

Never said they didn’t do that. Just that I don’t think this is an example of it.

The other thing is what ever tier you’re at the vault still out shines it.

At best this seems like it might temporarily upgrade one slot on alts.

The thing I really think is killing M+ is the 1-4-10 highest system on the vault. The last selection being 10th highest key strongly discourages doing lower keys to help people because you’ll just have to do a higher key to overwrite it. So if you have guildees wanting to run a bunch of M5’s and you want your 10th highest to be a based on a M10 any thing under that 10 doesn’t help you.

the limitation is blizz want us to play/grind more


Only real issue I’m seeing myself is, I don’t do Mythic plus, but will be getting Valor from callings. I know they added a vendor that sells crafting mats, but tbh that just seems like a lazy solution. Honestly I don’t have a solution myself but just buying mats doesn’t seem all that worthwhile.


The system is terrible, no one asked for this.

All we wanted was better loot drops in mythic +

Revert the ridiculous ilvl at end of dungeon

But instead we got to grind for loot that never drops, while hoarding valor we might be able to use, cause we didn’t get the pieces we wanted.

Blizzard has their weird motto of

If it ain’t broke, break it.


There will always be complaints about everything.


People complained though. The original badge gear was referred to as “welfare epics”.


Not really it will keep the KSM players busy

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All these people complaining about the new valor point system obviously never played during the original valor point system.

“Oh no there is a weekly cap.”

There was a weekly cap in the old system too! You could only get valor from the current tier’s raid bosses and a weekly and daily quest; so you were limited to however many bosses you could kill + the weekly/daily. It still took a couple of weeks to get a piece of gear from the vendor.

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It was a better system though


It was a better system BACK THEN. Don’t let nostalgia and rose-tinted glasses cloud your perceptions.

Just because it was good then, doesn’t mean it would be good now.

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Serious question here. Has there ever been a currency tied to power that was gated by achievements to use?


“We recognize that a massive amount of players feel forced to pvp due to the ease of use and simple functionality of the pvp gearing system, especially when compared with the heavily nerfed drop rates of pve content.”

“To help with this problem we’re implementing the Valor System. Which is like the pvp Conquest system, except worse in every conceivable way. We feel that this giant middle finger will help pve focused players better understand our feelings towards them.”