So, **That** Bastion Quest

Well I can say Bastion may’ve been a bad choice to play 3rd. Or more accurately 5th as I had to redo Venthyr and Necrolord for better abilities on my Priest / DK.

Because this last chapter was literally just a Maldraxxi quest. Now I of course expected storyline overlap, but with the Venth / Necro while there’s some crossover you do get to see battles from different perspectives.

It was neat, for example, to imagine my DK battling the House of Rituals on the ground while my Priest and Draven established air supremacy. But this was just the exact same quest I did twice. With one very minor difference at the end.

Kinda disappointed tbh. First time any of the Covenant storylines felt lazy to me. “Ugh, this again?” just shouldn’t be your reaction to story content on a different character in a different Covenant.

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“Sorry little Billy, on the account that you choked on your candy, you’re going straight to the maw.”


His mother told him to chew with his mouth closed. But no Billy just had to chomp on that like a cow chewing cud, inhaling the whole time.

Such sins of pride are beyond even the Venthyr’s rehabilitation.


Okay, I like Anduin and this almost made me snort out my coffee laughing. XD

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Tbh, even before we really knew what BFA was, I liked the guy for throwing down a Dome of Light on objective and then burning the rest of his CDs to rally his army. As a Disc main I know exactly how that feels like.

All it was missing was a flag carrier running out of the dome to get dog piled by the same DPS that was already in range, and then cursing Anduin for not healing well enough.


“we keep yeeting souls into the maw like the path tells us to, why is the jailor getting stronger!?”


I just ignore it. 99% of the time what he says is just pure BS.

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