So premades have made their way to Blitz then

Hey aren’t you from Switzerland?

In Blitz? Or?

Your copium has reached incredible heights this season.

In what universe or reality is Helldiivers 2 a “Flop” ? As of May 2024 they had sold 12 millions copies of the game. They literally broke records with the sale of that game.

I’m starting to think you also subscribe to Grummz.


I don’t understand this logic. Flag carriers’ health are visible on the UI. Someone saw them taking pressure and positioned themselves for immediate pickup.

There’s nothing about that situation that suggests voice coordination. Just one person paying attention.


That dude is accidentally giving away the game here. The gap between competent PVP’ers and the population of players PVP’ing is as wide as the Grand Canyon.

Instead of recognizing good game play they have created excuses. This is what’s happening, not a cabal of RMT win traders around every corner.


i recommend skillcapped they have some videos on blitz

How big a deal is this actually? Like is this super common or what?

I’d love the excuse that my losses are because i’m fighting glads the whole time :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I’ve been in over 100 games above 2200 mmr and I haven’t seen this once. Screenshots or you’re lying.

1600 game last night in Blitz, I ran into a Multi Glad team, I recognized one of them is a demo lock streamer.


my rogue is somehow in 2850 mmr games at only 2100cr

its pretty shocking the stuff u see even at 2850

people ghosting bases/carts
people fighting mid all game
ignoring objectives
not using cooldowns

its all just reandom bgs with number next to them


I’ve run into several multi glad enemy teams in the 1300s. I’m sure I have been on some teams with multiple glads. They were on alts and happened to get into the same game and they are often duo queued.

Fact:: The vast majority of scuffed matches you are in are scuffed because of bad gameplay, not because there are premades of multiglads on the other team.

Most people who pvp in this game (up to a certain level) lack knowledge and have the situational awareness of a potato. It doesn’t take multi-glads to beat them.


I know og 2 that have done it for years. They used to advertise it on their twitch pages.
Blizz doesnt care about streamers selling carries for irl money apparently.


im super glad someone made a thread about this! I couldnt agree more…we need to nerf hunters!


Last night I recognized an RBG team I played against last season, they are an RBG team manipulating the queue system to play against Blitz pugs, free rating.


Its so funny these kids denying this is happening like I did 10 Blitz games today and not one single time was anyone CCing a healer except me. People were afk, late to mounting and then late to the team fight therefore throwing the game since we would lose WW or main fight, people doing a quarter of the damage they should be, this is the norm of what I see in BG Blitz. So at 1500 MMR when you see a team playing like a 2400 RBG team its night and day and totally obvious its some kind of premade or boost. I can’t even get people to attack the FC as he runs alone through mid.


I don’t know why you’re surprised probably 80% of the PvP player base licks windows and doesn’t know how to play their toons other than “damage and healing go zug zug”. Doesn’t mean you’re fighting premades or people throwing games.


You can check my RBG achieves on my account and win count. If you don’t think I can tell when a team is target calling and doing coordinated swaps you’re high.


You don’t think the other team would have players who also knew how to play, or your team is filled with window lickers? I assure you, that does happen quite often.

People knowing what to focus isn’t a sign you’re fighting some premade lmao.

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  • Post history is defending boosters and refuting that they exist, when you can see people advertising IN-GAME for Blitz BOOSTS via Services Chat LOL
  • No PVP history
  • Can’t even armory character

Do you at least get paid per post on the forums?

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It makes Blizzard money so they couldn’t care less. In fact this is the first expansion where they are blatantly helping the boosting economy rather than trying to stop it. Boosters often have to buy new accounts because they are scared to get banned on mains so its just more money for Blizzard.

Wouldn’t be surprised if catering to cheaters makes them record profits lol.