So N’Zoth is worried

What’s he so worried about? Short of spelling it out in the sky, he’s been really busy warning us about something that even worries him. He used his greatest asset just to free himself so he could be ready for it. The Light has also seen it and feels the need to bargain with it. We’re all worried about him and what he’s gonna do to us but he’s looking to be pretty concerned about some sort of existential threat to us all, including himself. Why else would he leave us alive after the raid and take off but not before rescuing his asset and telling us that all our eyes will be opened soon? He seems to need us for something. More than just freeing him. Else why bother to agin warn us and make sure Azshara didn’t die. She is a valuable ally no matter how full of herself she is. Never before has an old god appealed to mortals over and over in such a way. We’ve always been disposable tools. And while we’re still being used as tools, he isn’t disposing of us as per usual. What’s out there that has both cosmic great forces worried?


Are we even sure the Light struck a bargain with the true enemy and is not the true enemy itself striking a bargain with Sylvanas who is stated by the Void Lords to seek the end of all things?


I mean I know she’s part of the bigger picture. She and Azshara both seem to know what’s going on. Azshara wouldn’t have gone through all the trouble to free N’Zoth if she wasn’t convinced she needed him free. She was content to let him rot in his prison for ten thousand years. She allowed us to beat her to death just so she could borrow our bling and let him out. Sylvanas alone isn’t nearly powerful enough to make Azshara and an Old God go through so much effort. She’s either working with him or for whatever it is he is so concerned about.

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Yvenathilm posts be making me think more deeply

If this post made a noise, it’d be the X-Files theme, but on a detuned melodica.


My own opinion is that Death is making a play. Every force in the WoW universe has some sort of leader or figurehead. Old Gods exist outside of the normal life and death cycle though. They don’t exist the same way we do. So is it Undeath making a play? Undeath is a true threat to the Void because it can’t be corrupted by it. And suddenly we have lightforged undead instead of just resurrection. Is that the bargain the Lugut struck? To be able to create things in its image that the Void can’t corrupt? Someone who has simply been brought back to life should be susceptible to the same sources of corruption as someone who hasn’t died even once.


Death goddess is coming from him :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The Undead can be corrupted by the Old Gods, not just in the manner they usually do it. The real kicker for the Old Gods and by extension the Void Lords, is that they cannot feed off of us. They feed off of life and the living, we possess neither.

It’s always why I found it laughable when people make claims that Sylvanas is working with the Old Gods, it’s ridiculous.

But death isn’t inherently evil, it’s a natural part of the cycle. Things die to make new room for new life. You cannot have one without the other, so why would the Avatar of Death be making a play for power?

But you also cannot have life with the Void Lords and Old Gods feeding off it and corrupting, so it makes perfect sense that Death would make them out to be their enemy. Without life there can be no death.


Maybe the whole enemy of all isn’t death, or the light, or the void. What if all this is to build up some brand new bad guy that’s growing in power now that the legion is broken.


Well … I mean, if you want to be technical about it there was a moment that she could have been influenced (without the protection of undeath) by the Old Gods (specifically one that claims to be the “God of Death” and who’s title is “Hope’s End”).

When Sylvanas smashed herself against the base of ICC (a building comprised of Yogg-Saron’s blood) her soul was severed from her Undead Body (and as it was described, she was once again herself … the soul of JUST a High Elven Ranger). It was here she experienced a horrific afterlife that would send her down the route she currently finds herself; and it was here that her soul would have been VERY vulnerable to the influences of the Old Gods (or at least Yoggie himself).


I’m not sure if N’Zoth is legitimately worried or trying to play himself as the one to side with. Sort of like the lesser evil or evil we know kinda of thing.


Yogg-Saron created the Death Realms of Thros the Blighted Lands which alongside the Life Realms of the Emerald Dream and the Madness Realms of the Nightmare uses the Decay Realms of the Shadowlands as a means to bleed into Reality. states that not all Void Lords have the same motives so if Sylvanas is serving Old Gods she is serving Yogg-Saron and his masters not N’Zoth and his masters.

To anyone saying the Chronicle describes the Void Lords as wanting to consume everything: likely you’ve been consulting Wowpedia rather than the Chronicle itself as it mentions the Void itself consuming everything including itself not the Void Lords who only want to consume the Great Dark Beyond turning it all into Void, Despair or Death.

The Void Lords aligned with L’ura and N’Zoth want to draw all existence into their realm bringing about endless Fear, Void and Madness while the true enemy(who may be Light, Death, rival Void Lords, the Void itself or something else) seeks the absolute end of all things.


See … and the Old Gods aren’t fond of eachother either.

If I recall correctly, if you bring Xal to see Il’gynoth she states something to the effect of “Only One can claim the World Soul” and lements how ironic it is that the weakest among them might be the one to do so. You bring her to go see Heyla, and she comments how “Loken did such a Wonderful Job “Turning” her” (and Loken himself was in fact corrupted by Yogg-Saron). Hell, if there was one faction that we’ve repeatedly seen in direct conflict with the Naga … its Helya’s Kvaldir.

Long story short, if “Hope is a Disease and I must cut it out” Sylvie has a connection to ANY Old God … its VERY likely the one who has connections to Heyla; Claims to be the God of Death; the one who’s blood she splatted herself against; and who’s title is “Hope’s End”.


Interestingly enough Old Gods whom are the Void Lords’ creations are described in the Chronicle as turning worlds they infest into places of Despair and Death.

Point of fact N’Zoth himself shows connections to Death as Il’gynoth speaks of embracing Death.

The Void Lords furthermore are described as Dark Spirits formed from Void Energies yet are never described as ruling the Void itself so them not matching the whole consume all existence including the Void description of the Void probably isn’t surprising!

I have no idea what connection the Dark Spirits known as the Void Lords and their creations the Old Gods(with Yogg-Saron resembling a large Necrofiend) all have to Death…

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I can see void making a pact with death before light makes a pact with death

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We have light forged undead, but no void undead. Not saying youre wrong though

I really really re as lly hope calia is a one off event as it barely makes sense at all.


It makes NO sense.

It walks back on every bit of lore Blizzard has given us about the Undead. The undead are brought back by necromantic powers, we are unable to be one with the light without debilitating pain and suffering, hence why the Undead cannot be Paladins. Priests are one thing, since they merely channel the light, and still (according to canon) without some degree of pain.

The fact that the Light itself brought back a person to undeath, is absolutely ridiculous.

Calia is nothing more than Blizzard trying to force a leader for the Undead that could be considered “good.”

Sure, she’s the rightful heir to the throne of Lordaeron, however…

She gave that up when she ran and hid for 15-20 years, only to show up out of the blue talking about “oh, the undead are just misunderstood, let me be your messiah!” What a crock of shirt! She has no understanding of what it means to be Forsaken, so cannot relate to those she wants to lead.

I for one, hope we get a chance to kill her off.


Good Guy N’Zoth to the rescue? (Now that’d be a plot twist!)

In regard to what he’s worried about: I believe its the forces of Death / Undeath.

The Light somewhat-recently filtered its power through Alonsus Faol (Undead) to raise Calia Menethil into Lightforged Undeath, I believe perhaps to do so they may have made a deal of their own - not with all the forces of Undeath but perhaps one of them, like Sylvanas had.

Baine’s father Cairne advised his son that there’s a balance with undeath & spirits. I’d imagine the Good spirits / beings of Undeath (or at the very least the neutral ones) can be somewhat reasoned with, unlike the others – To which of that the forces of Light and Void can agree (And lets be clear: they don’t agree on a lot. lol) are to be concerned of.

Multiple forces & beings keep saying ‘The balance has been tipped!’ I don’t believe they’re talking about the mortal plane alone but also the ones in Undeath & the Shadowlands. Such events and things can even cause ones grip on the undead (Which is why I believe the Lich King, Eyir & Bwonsamdi aren’t fans of Sylvanas) to slip control; The jailed Scourge could go free & become rogue, more Val’Kyr could choose their own path like Spirit healers long ago, powerful ancient spirits could escape Bwonsamdi’s realm and the Shadowland’s itself could have it’s mysterious bindings & anchors (Perhaps other powerful death beings within, benevolent & otherwise) scarred: Allowing more spirits to grow enough power towards manifesting a form to utilise in reality (Mortal plane).

I agree on it screwing with undead lore if anything she should have been rezed as far as her leading the forsaken i am bery meh about it really depends on her personality.