So I pugged CN Fated Times Included

Why is it when people want well geared and experienced players in their raids, so they don’t end up a failed raid that doesn’t kill a single boss (much like your first experience) it is gate keeping and not just doing their best to ensure a reasonable smooth raid (like your second one)?

My failed raid was more because our tank and healer had to leave. lol. It was a ripple effect. A dps left because of it, then more followed.

Again, the difficulty of the raid was nothing. The sheer amount of time getting into one and waiting was the difficult part.

Oh and that smooth reasonable raid? I didn’t do any gate keeping btw. As long as you are kind to people and explain mechanics a Normal difficulty raid shouldn’t be an issue.

Until then, let people who prefer LFR get the cat. Because this is too time consuming even for someone like myself.

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That is more an issue with just how many people are trying to raid. Last night I checked and there were some thing like 35 fated CN normal raids listed. I have never seen that many listings for a raid tier ever.

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Glad to hear you had fun, op! I hope you friended someone from that group for future runs. Finding a good pug to run with is not impossible, but if you get in a group you jive with and who can get stuff done you should hang on to them.

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Last night I got about an hour of rejections. On a 4-tier, 2 legendary, ilvl 260 monk. So yeah, it does happen.

Today I had more time to create my own group and was more focused to do so.

Oh I don’t doubt you were turned down. As there are probably dozens of DPS applying for raid slots in any given raid, that is just a way of life for DPS classes.

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Yeah, and it’s tragic to see people with tiny collections worry about being super efficient. They’re going to burn out super early if all they do is buy everything.

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Can you really blame them? I don’t buy any carry services myself. Never have. But if I didn’t have the free time and someone told me in order to get into a Normal difficulty raid I’d have to sift through hours of torment before even getting to the first raid boss?

Yeah I might pay for it.

Meanwhile. I pugged CN as a healer at IL 267 and got fated 8/10 heroic, did denath, and sludge on normal one shot both of em. Your issue is you’re a dps, and not a tank or healer. That and you got unlucky with trashcan players in the raid I suppose. You can pretty much 1 shot all the Nath bosses on normal fated.

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I wouldn’t pay for carries. “The juice isn’t worth the squeeze,” as the hip kids say these days.


So your advice is don’t play DPS. Yeah, sorry. I already mained tank in BfA and healer in Legion. I should be able to play DPS at some point in my life here.

I think people are still overthinking it, in a few weeks players are going to be smashing the hell out of these fated raids. We did heroic tuesday as mythic players and every boss was dead in like 2 minutes. That’s still using like 280 ilvl gear.

For me there was no overthinking it. I either got CN done yesterday or today, or lost my chance to do so unless I were to wait for the next rotation.

Gate keeping will always push people towards LFR, because the time consumed and amount of disappointment from even Normal difficulty right now is astounding. I do remember doing Normal raids in the past and it being much easier to find groups… like what the hell happened?

We even have cross-faction support now and this is happening.

I think normal groups have been mostly irrelevant in BFA and this expansion due to them having nothing really specifically to obtain from them that you can’t just get from doing keys which require way less people and time.

That’s another thing that annoys me about fated. It takes an already schedule-based system of raiding and makes it more constrained than before.

Some of us can’t revolve our life around WoW. We have to fit WoW in.

But the point is you have several months to complete this, they even stated that at a point in the season all 3 raids would be open simultaneously. I understand that people feel obligated to get it done asap but personal urgency isn’t really something that I think blizzard should/wants to design around.

I definitely do, but when I have free time I have an uncertainty of the future. I know it’s not Blizzard’s fault here. It’s just my own schedule. So the urgency here is a problem of my own.

If you don’t know about the future that would also imply that having the mount could be completely irrelevant because if the future is impacting being on the game then what value does that mount retain. IDK. I’m sure people will be helping with it from the higher end whether for gold or free is entirely dependent on the group but will happen nonetheless. The people who want the Jelly cat shouldn’t really run into any major resistance in their goal to achieve it and I think blizzard was pretty generous in making it from at least normal, alternatively it could have been mythic exclusive or something.

Although I’m not denying there is gatekeeping out there, I think from a group leader’s perspective, they are approaching it from the same angle that you are: i.e. they want to do the raid smoothly and not waste a large amount of time in doing so. Since we’re all strangers, it leads to competing problems: 1.) you know your skill level, but have no way to prove it to a stranger, and 2.) they don’t know you, and only have the information in game at their disposal.

Outside of your time waiting in LFG, it is not hard to see how inviting players that aren’t prepared or flake at the first sign of failure can lead to:

for a raid leader. In the end, everyone just wants that full clear in a reasonable amount of time while, unfortunately, relying on a group of total strangers who’s only characteristics displayed are name, class, and ilvl.

Or you’re just reading it wrong. Since nothing in my post is rage-filled or angry.