So, I Played The Alliance Broken Shore *And*

And you would have stop responding to me dear. :gift_heart: But you know, I guess because I’m not Pro Blue, I’m for some reason not allowed to respond. Weird a$$ logic some of you ally posters use.


Seriously I very self evidently have Alliance toons. I do like the Worgen, Kaldorei and Draenei.

How do you not play both factions? You’d be missing out on like half the content of a game you’re paying for.

And I’d actually say BFA in particular is worth playing both sides of. There’s enough overlap with a lot of expansions that it’s not that necessary but I do think both the Zandalari and Kul Tiran stories are very well written.

Why pick just Bwonsamdi or Flynn Fairwind when you can enjoy both?


I didn’t for a long time to be honest. Around Cata I quit playing Horde out of disgust. I recently came back though, and am currently working on unlocking Zandalari. I dig their lore.

I do have a couple Forsaken toons floating around on another server, And I obviously follow the storyline for both sides. I have nothing against the horde per se. I’ve just had little reason to actually jump on them is all :gift_heart:

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Honestly it’s just the Stormwindians I actively dislike. Their quests are all movie references, their aesthetic is very Playmobil Toy Castle Playset, and their VActing seems purposefully bland.

And as it’s own thing that’s fine. Some people go their whole lives never seasoning their chicken and if that’s all they want from this misadventure called life then its only hurting their diner guests.

But in the case of the Alliance the party guests have been made to gradually throw away their more interesting dishes as to better fit in.

This is why I hope, probably futily, that the Kul Tirans get more stuff moving forward. If Stormwind felt like Boralus I’d get the popularity of humans. Because it feels actually human, that is to say xenophobic, prone to corruption, superstitious, nationalistic, dirty, and violence loving.

Whereas if Flynn was from Stormwind I think he’d just really love chocolate milk instead of being a functional alcoholic with a death wish.


As bad as BfA was overall. Places like Boralus and Drustvar were nice little touches. And you’re right, Boralus felt like a genuine…actual human run city, with all the flaws that come with being human.

I know this has been mentioned before but Stormwind just has that White Man can do no wrong feeling to it. And I’m not sure if that’s intentional or not. Not that I buy it, but I can see why people would get that impression.


Apparently to some people, shouting “We’re retreating” would be much less suspicious than blowing the horn that everyone in the scenario acknowledged as “We’re retreating”.


That’s a bit speculative. The Alliance knew she was retreating because they saw the Dark Rangers walking away. Like, the difference wouldn’t be much, but it would be there.

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The horn blows, Varian turns to see the dark rangers retreating and Varian/Genn immediately call her out for retreating. If we’re going by the cinematic timing, there’s roughly 1-2 seconds from when the horn is blown to when it’s acknowledged by the Alliance that the retreat was happening.

Seems pretty definitive to me.


That is not inferring that the horn was understood, beforehand, as a signal of retreat.

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The Stormwindians don’t seem to have any specific culture. They speak in American broadcast voice accents, but the Bilgewater ran off with all the cultural aspects parodying American culture. So they don’t have that going for them. Which is a bit of a shame because I think ‘What if medieval America’ would be fertile ground for satire.

So they just kind of have nothing.

This is also why I think the Gilnean heritage quest reaffirming the Gilnean identity over the Worgen one was dumb.

Gilneas was at least trying for some things, and I for one was intereated because their Druids or Harvest Witches being based around the actual Celtic druids sounds interesting.

But Kul Tiras kind of ran away with all the English stuff and Gilneas just has top hats and fog now. Seems like you’d really want to cash in on the werewolf part then but I guess not.


How long does it take to register “Horn blows. Horde retreats. The Horde must be treating”? Because Varian and Genn seem to have figured it out in roughly 2 seconds. They might not be happy that it happened, but in the moment it was certainly understood what it meant.

And while on that subject, I’m still confused as to why Sylvanas is the one that is the one called out for it, and not Vol’jin, the leader of the Horde. Odd that neither of them said “He wouldn’t. I knew we couldn’t trust him!” I guess I’ll have to chalk it up to Blizzard attempting to build tension between the factions but not actually thinking it through.


It seems silly to me to think that Varian and Genn, who have both personally taken part in numerous battles against the Horde (and who if they’re not wildly negligent, have studied Horde tactics to any degree) wouldn’t understand the sound of a Horde retreat signal horn. It paints them as dumb either way if they don’t.


Blizzard was actively encouraging Alliance players to see it as betrayal at Blizzcon.

Little sister–Alleria’s the oldest.


/ten chara


Because that would mean Varian was wrong. Only subhumans in the Alliance can be wrong.


I want to puke up bile everytime I’m reminded how the Perfect white skinned humans can’t never be wrong.


That’s understandable, because “human potential” is the fantasy equivalent of the “mighty whitey” trope from the early 20th century.


I’m a white dude and it’s uncomfortable. I can only imagine how POC feel about the weird message that sends.

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Okay, wow. So you reported my post because I’m a person of color who doesn’t kiss up to your beliefs on racial equality? I’m not acting the way a colored person should in your eyes?