So, I Played The Alliance Broken Shore *And*

First one in the chain is called War Is Hell.

We’re slowly finishing off the remnants of Stormwind’s North Fleet stationed on this coast. The bodies to the west are a testament to how brutal this confrontation has been.

This does not happen to bother my refined aesthetics, but it does present a danger to our lives.

In the lands of the Lich King, the dead are a weapon that can rise against us at any point in time. Take this torch - you’re going to make sure that doesn’t happen

You just sort of show up in the aftermath of a battle. There’s a couple of human and Forsaken sunken ships and a makeshift Alliance fort down the way.

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We already have blueberry elves that exist that aren’t Black Empire cultists tho.

And man, the blood elves have a lot more reasons to want to kill void elves than just their appearance (for supposedly being traitors or something. idk. Blood elves are weird.)

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They are all dangerous cultists who’s mere proximity poses a threat to the Sunwell. They also appear to be uniformly cackling lunatics who talk to themselves and all went Team Tentacle in the Horrific Visions of Stormwind.

They’re also led by a shadowy Windrunner which is probably going to turn out just fine. She only said her son is her one link to sanity. Sure nothing bad will happen to him that makes her follow in her big sister’s footsteps.

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Interesting. As far as I can remember the Alliance don’t even go near Vengeance Point. In fact unless I’m mistaken all our quests involve the Vrykul. There doesn’t even seem to be a reason for Stormwind to attack Vengeance Point either, like they never planned that far. They just needed the Forsaken to fight something and made it the North Fleet.

She’s Team Alliance. Of course nothing bad is going to happen. You should know better than that by now. :gift_heart:


That’s kind of my assumption too. Which is odd because in Borean Tundra the Horde and Alliance appear to be working together. They’re aware of eachother’s footholds and troop positions at any rate.

And in the Fjord the Alliance aren’t mentioned again after you destroy the artillery they set up and rescue a captured Apothecary. In one of the most annoying escort quests of all time because both him and the Dark Ranger you’ve to turn in the quest to get distracted by the infintely respawning Alliance NPCs.

And this is an Alliance issue? Hee.

The rest of what you said is pure conjecture, as none of it came or will come to pass.

Now what the ren’dorei actually are, are just misunderstood void-flavored elves who are cute and just want to help their Alliance friends in any way they can.

They are not undead abominations stripped away from their afterlife to serve a cult of personality as an unwitting slave. Possibly against their will, if they knew any better. Whose every waking moment of unlife is suffering.

They were shoehorned into the intro Howling Fjord campaign Horde-side similarly to how the Night elves were shoehorned into the Eversong/Ghostlands storyline to create tension between the factions.

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Which means it’s likely the proto-Brenendam. They couldn’t decide what to have the undead fight so they just threw some humans in and forgot about it.


This is a Horde issue? Hee.

The rest of what you said is pure conjecture, as none of it came or will come to pass.

What the Forsaken actually are, are just misunderstood spooky flavored humans who are cute and love helping their Horde friends.

They are not deranged cultists who were seduced by a maddening hunger from beyond the stars. Who’s every waking moment is spent resisting the eldritch whispers of the Void lest they mutate into k’thir and go full mind flayer.


cough Wrathgate
cough Horde Loyalist storyline in BfA
cough Shadowlands.

Those were all traitors, the Horde loyalists and rebels were made up of every race, and Slyvanas is also a traitor.

There’s no horrific Vision where the Forsaken are gleefully murdering their allies in Orgrimmar. In fact they dont even appear there, probably because they’re heroically defending a city that still stands somewhere else.

Meanwhile Alleria’s murdered Turalyon and is in the process of sacrificing her own son in a depraved ritual to defile the Cathedral of Light.

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I can use your same logic to say that not all void elves would follow Alleria blindly off a cliff, you know.

This is also ignoring the fact that these visions are something that never came to pass, and are simply conjecture.

Meanwhile, we actually have examples of Forsaken being actual monsters, regardless of their allegiance to Sylvanas or not.

Oh they’re just misunderstood.

Besides as we now know Undeath isn’t evil. As a cosmic force it’s basically Heaven’s national guard that has fought both the Legion and Void before.

And I get Blizz is trying to make the Light Void thing seem a little morally nuanced. But having seen their concept of morally gray excuse me if me I think it’s a foregon conclusion the beings who’s presence fills the air with serene music and joyous feelings is going to come off looking good next to the side inspired by the writings of a neurotic racist Massachusettsian.


Void Elves, talk about being shoe horned into the lore, amiright? :gift_heart:


So it’s come to the point that you’re losing this argument so bad that you’re now slandering void elves because they’re infused with the void, which is granted by the Old Gods, who are in turn based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft?


Rent-free, Hordeposter in blue clothing. Your fake Genn fanboyism doesn’t fool me.


This isn’t really an argument. I’m just poking fun with yet another elfposter who’s dismissive, mean spirited and arguing in bad faith from the word go.


And hey us Worgen and Undeadposters have a history of solidarity. Spook recognizes spook.


Not a horde fan. I mentioned this multiple times already. Not my fault you think otherwise. And I never claimed to be a Alliance fanboy. How many times do I need to say it? I am only playing the alliance because of the Worgen.

But you do you. :gift_heart:


Uh-huh. :slightly_smiling_face:

Uh-huh. :slightly_smiling_face:


You do you dear. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else. :gift_heart:


If that were true, you would’ve shut up already.