So, I Played The Alliance Broken Shore *And*

Yeah but that was at the end of an expansion. They didn’t have the Broken Shore start with Sargeras appearing and bringing a sword down on the planet.

I mean, you’re not wrong regarding Genn. I feel like it is less of an intended character flaw, and more of a “Blizz writes characters that both know more than they should, and don’t know things they definitely should simultaneously.” Schrodinger’s Worgen, after a fashion.

The thing with Genn is, he did the thing where you use the wrong method entirely yet somehow get the right answer. So he can go full Zap Brannigan and give us a “No need to thank me.” when anyone questioned why he started an international incident in the middle of the Legion invasion.

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I’m fairly certain characters in the setting are not aware of expansions or when they start or end. You seem to confuse gameplay and story a lot, like when you bring up world pvp.


Now that you mention it the strategy in Silverpine did seem to be;

Until the 7th Legion came in. Seriously there’s just something called a Worgen Rusher that infinitely spawns and runs down the road to die horribly.

Sure they do. Who could forget those famous lines like

“Khadgar, I think these are the Warlords of Draenor”


“This is the Wrath of the Lich King”


“No, Uther. This is Warcraft 3. Reforged”.