So, Human and Orc Heritage armors are finally revealed

You and I and everyone else know the people most clamoring for human heritage armor couldn’t even get high enough ilvl to even queue for sepulcher lfr to get a shield. Nor even kill 30 fated bosses to get a single dinar to buy the normal mog.

I am just being brutally honest. The human heritage armor is a soccer trophy.

Oh please, while the Horde dominates the highest end of raiding, the Alliance is general as competent as the Horde because you do realize the overlap between the player base is actually pretty large.

Suffice to say there was always enough people doing Sepulcher back in SL that my queue times were never that long.

Anduin is from Stormwind so yeah not true :dracthyr_shrug:

Which was wrong and ignores years of WoW lore the Alliance has no claim to Lordearon.

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Anduin is not the leader of Stormwind currently. Turaylon is. Keep up with the news.

The Alliance has always had a historic claim to it as its birthplace and with any living Lordearon survivor joining the Alliance. Hell, Terenas’ crown is actually buried in Stormwind.

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Yes he is as king of Stormwind Turalyon is merely a regent

They hold no claim to it whatsoever Lordaeron belongs to its people betrayed by the entitled Human Prince Arthas and risen into undeath.

Which makes Turalyon the current leader of Stormwind because as of right now Anduin has abdicated his responsibilities to him.

And some of those people are still alive. Hence why the Alliance still has claim to it.

You mean the undead prince Arthas. He was no longer living by the time he ended up destroying Lordearon.

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Sir, that color is black.

Just did a color picker. 65,40,68. That is dark purple.


I like the human armor.

It looks like it might match that sword and shield transmog they put out way, way back when, whatever they were called.

Floating armor? That’s roughly how plate boots actually work. They strap to itself around your shin, and leave the actual boot open so you can actually walk.

I’ll grant that the actual shin and foot guard may be a little high up, but it doesn’t look bad to me.


The helmets are bad rehashes of established gear.

Human needs some fur and too lose the tabard bit.

Orc should have had either a Wolf Head helm or the actually grunt helm not this overdesigned thing.

Everything else is top tier though.

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And I’m sure you got the shorts and vest somewhere too from the orc set.

meanehile you’d only get alliance helm

So humans win again!

Post on your main

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What shorts?


I also somehow have access to Marshal/GM armor so I’m pretty sure I can do the shoulders.

well the shoulders arent the same as that tbh. cause one it has an eagle on it.

LIke kmart ghetto version of BFA warfronts they should just deleted idea.


These are pretty awful.


I mean…we are stormwind humans.

“Human” is literally stormwind human. People RPing Alteraci, Lordaeron, or Stromgarde humans are doing just that, RPing.

That being said, Helmet could use another pass. A unique helmet is warranted considering there’s already multiple footman style helms in the game.
Something like Varian’s Lion Helmet from Heroes of the Storm would look better.(can’t post photos though. Maybe someone can help me out).

And, they need to go back over and redo the fit on the female model in general. Something tells me they modeled it on the male and the woman fit is an afterthought.

Now, while we’re all gathered, can we talk about the severe need for a recolor for the Gilnean set? It’s been years now, is it really too much to ask for a grey/dark gold color version that actually matches the Worgen aesthetic?


i like the human one, but that texture/colour brightness wont mix with any other existing set so that sucks

not a fan of the weird caveman chest straps on orc. looks like they just took the boosted warrior plate set and removed armour from it lol