So. How many Warbank tabs are you gonna buy?

This, probably. I haven’t played in years and no longer have my old account, so that should be plenty. I just have the toons I’ve rolled since Remix started.

Snowballs knock party members down for a second when they hit. It’s fun to interrupt people.

No idea if its an open world - only thing or not. Never been evil enough to try to get someone killed in a dungeon.

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Oh, that’s cool. I missed reading that, so thanks.

I’ll buy the first 2 right away then the 3rd when I have the gold.

I would buy the 4th but that amount of gold is almost 2 tokens and I could never pass that up. :smiley:

I have about 200k gold, so I’m guessing 3.

so the only people who would get it for free is raiders - no thanks


You don’t need the dino mount, it had a 5 million gold price tag. You don’t need the Alliance motorcycle for 100k. You don’t need the spider mount for 2 million gold. You don’t need a spectral tiger for how many ever million it is now.

You don’t need everything in the game. Everything isn’t meant for everyone. Get used to it.

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What the hell are you even talking about?

ill do metals/gems and another tab cloth lol

i only need the first bank. i dont save anything and if its gear my alt will take it immediately

the achievements could be other things beyond those found in raid, or one way to complete the achievement could be through raiding. I like the idea of getting stuff for playing the game, while also retaining the gold cost for options

In fact I specifically mentioned the end-of-expansion achievement.

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The first 3 right away, the last 2 when blizz refunds me for all Tuesday maintenances I had to go through.

So… never?


Each tab holds 99 items, so I’m good with one tab. I only have five characters and they’re only mail and leather. Might need more if I get into crafting, otherwise this is more than enough.

I want all 5, but the prices of the 3rd and above are too high. I’ll get 2 for sure, 3 at the most due to the unreasonable cost for the later tabs. 500k is very unreasonable and the last tab has me laughing because it’s so ridiculously expensive. Bank tabs are a basic feature and should be easily affordable.

Probably 2 to start, a 3rd not long after…and then I am not planning to invest more from there. TBD!

probably only need 2, people are overblowing the whole thing honestly.


Close! 98. :grin:

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there already is plenty to earn doing other things in the game - anyway discussing this is a waste of time they aren’t going to change things tonight and it goes live tomorrow and once people buy the tabs you can’t say later will you can earn them for free by doing ‘x’.