So, how is Regeneratin' working out?

The difference between a priest and a paladin in raid on damage intake is literally zero. Almost all damage is magic so armor means absolutely nothing.

Also, warlock, who wears cloth in case you forgot, is the tankiest dps class in the game. Demo being the tankiest dps spec in the game BY FAR.

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It was a glorified cannibalize without a body

the end

Maybe, but your overhealing and my general survivability are two different things. If you’re healing the tank (and of course you are) and I can’t stop taking damage because I got clipped by a melee swing, I’m going to die inside my Ice Block and we’re probably going to wipe.

Until I run out of mana because I kept having to overheal people.

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Also he ignored the fact you “wasted” however many globals casting that greater heal or whatever when those could have gone towards someone else.


It’s working great, i press the button, if there isn’t a dot I get full health in a matter of seconds

I mean yeah, there’s just so many ways healers’ having their time wasted negatively affects you in ways that aren’t immediately obvious.

It’s hard to imagine there are people who are excusing healers not doing effective heals.

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I didn’t say that. I said there is nothting different between mages and other specs aside from their armor type.

Are you incapable of reading or what.

How is that dumb. Absorbs are literally miles more valuable on both raid fights.

Because the healer does the healing. An absorb gives them a chance to catchup. There’s a reason DPS prefer Resounding Protection to Impassive Visage, despite IV’s raw healing being higher.

My healers love warlocks because we all just hit Dark Pact before raidwide damage and our health bars move way less compared to other dps. Like I am pretty sure something like Cry of the Fallen barely breaks the shield so we get hit for 20% of our health (the cost for Dark Pact) while someone like a balance druid gets hit for 70% through barkskin.

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Yeah I’m a big fan of locks, nothing’s more frustrating than having my oh scheisse button aoe smart heals being assigned to someone who is then at full health a second later because of self heals.

Exactly. Meanwhile they’re getting racials like the strongest tanking racial in the game, strongest PvP racial like they always have. While horde get terrible racials, one of their allied races only really being able to truly capitalize from 2 classes using them and even then…

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Its pretty overpowered when playing mage, rogue, pallies and druids. Especially in the competitive scene.

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They didn’t. They thought if they complained it would Blizzard would listen. They were right.

In all honesty, for a majority of the playerbase, heals and shields are probably close, if not in heals favor since a shield does nothing when there isn’t damage.

On the other hand, anyone that uses their noodle and hits the shield button BEFORE the damage comes out will be much better off especially if they know timings. Something like Dark Pact lasts like 10 seconds or something silly so using it like 7 seconds early means you still get the full value before the hit and you start its cooldown early so you maybe get another cast.

Also, the same reasoning shields are good is another reason rshaman are usually coveted as at least a 1 of in raids. Increasing everyone’s health by 10(?)% before a big hit reduces deaths by a lot since it could bring someone out of “one shot” range.

Does turtle not shield you so you can use it, or was the CD why you added the “most of the time” line?

And I’m not sure how BL is considered a defensive CD. I mean I can kind of see the logic, but I never considered it as such. Not sure why you mentioned that.

I might just be slightly more fond of shields than average because I play disc quite often.

If you have a ferocity pet out you lose access to survival of the fittest which is the 3 minute cd 20% DR (since it gets replaced with Hysteria). Also, you get 7% more max health with a tenacity pet out compared to a Ferocity. Ferocity DOES give you a lot of leech, but that it is usually overheal and any healing gained from the leech is probably similar to whatever your spirit beast would have done anyway.

Turtle only heals you if you have a trait for it leaving you with just exhilaration if turtle does not actually do anything (which it doesn’t for a decent amount of mechanics).

Exhil is okay under the assumption you don’t get killed near instantly and can actually BE healed.


Just ask the Blood Elves, they got their racial nerfed hard because clever players chained their racials to render a castor useless.

They shouldn’t be punished, it should be rewarded for coordinating a string of arcane torrents. That isn’t easy to pull off.

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After 8.2? Never.

The point went so far over your head it sprouted wings.