So, how is Regeneratin' working out?

I still haven’t figured out what the Void Elf racial is good for. It’s like Blink but more confusing and far less useful. I think I took it off my bar.

If a Mage can get off a 9 second cast directly in front of you. Then escaping and laying low for 8 seconds is a piece of cake

I used it often when leveling my warrior, not so much now.

And SM is getting nerfed indirectly because of it. To quote the devs, “we’re going to be taking abilities like Shadowmeld into account when making season affixes going forward so that you can’t use them to ignore mechanics.”

Not that it’s going to get people to stop QQing about Shadowmeld and the MDI.

I look forward to the next MDI when almost everyone is Horde again, and people on the forums continue to complain about night elves. …because you know it’s going to happen, and it’s going to be fun to watch.

PvP. It’s good in PvP.


Explains why I don’t use it. Good to know.

Blood elves would like a word with you.

I don’t even have it on my action bars. It’s about as useful as an old level one bandage. Takes forever to channel and if a butterfly lands on you, it gets interrupted.

ive used it 2 times in arena successfully

It’s -extremely- good in pvp, especially on Paladins who can heal to full in 2v2/3v3 arena.

It WAS op as hell in PVE, until they nerfed it to break on damage. Before when it wouldn’t break on damage, Z-Trolls basically had a free defensive cooldown for raiding. If it didn’t break on damage it’d see heavy use on aoes like Grong Tantrums or such. Now it’s more or less balanced, since it takes longer (IE less dps/healing) and can’t be used by itself to negate major raid damage.

I finished the requirements for z troll yesterday and race changed my mage. This morning I was doing my WQs and checking out the casting animations, etc and ran into a bit of world pvp… 1v2 warlock+pally. Killed lock, sheeped pally. Regenerated and then killed pally.


Night elf racial is the most OP one for M+?

Troll racial is very OP for M+ and raiding (and PvP)

Zandalari Racial is powerful in certain situations, and others it’s not. It’s useful no matter what though due to the heal.

How many MDI groups were Alliance and had a ton of Night Elves?

How many MDI groups had stacked zandalari?

(the answer is 99.99999% of MDI groups were Alliance, with I believe zero Zandalari)

People aren’t mass changing to Zandy for m+ and raiding, like I was told they would. People aren’t using Zandy for the highest competition levels of m+ like I was told that they would.

Why not?

Is it because they are busy using night elves for the MDI? Because the racial is much, much stronger?

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It helps me out sometimes after a tough fight while questing.

In PVP I normally only get a chance to use it if I can escape a bad fight fast enough.

I sometimes use it and get a full heal if I manage to get it set up. I usually try to get the opponent to waist their interrupt on one of my heals. Once the interrupt is on cool down I’ll use capacitor totem on them to encourage the use of the trinket (90% of the time they’ll use trinket to get out of the stun). If they use the trinket, then they can be hexed for the full duration and they can’t interrupt hex because their interrupt is on cool down. Now it’s time for Regeneratin’!

Doesn’t always work out though.

I switched from a regular Troll to a Zandalari Troll and I can tell you that I’d much rather have Berzerking than Regerneratin’.

Pretty much this. I’ve been leveling my troll and forget I have it. I have used it in a pinch in battle a couple times and managed to turn a fight around by getting half my health back. Other than that it’s just kinda there. I find the Draenei racial HoT more useful myself.

It’s annoying to deal with really…
i mean, i almost kill this zandalari paladin and then all the sudden BAM full health again as if he used his lay on hands ability. or w/e it is.

specially annoying in arenas too when they do this as well, since it does not follow the “healing reduction” debuff we all get…

Well the moment you take damage RIP and most classes don’t have a CC that can hold mobs for long to use it so useless. It’s just not suitable for most classes and that’s a good thing.

Works great if I don’t have a dot or someone sneezing on me. I seem to use the glider far more often than the heal.

It’s especially broken for 2s pvp
Or the most common use of pally bubble > regenerate

Only until 8.2. The devs have already said they’re going to make sure you can’t use racials like SM to skip mechanics like you could this past season because the Alliance isn’t allowed to have nice things.