So how exactly is GDKP banned?

No. It’s very RMT friendly. Casual players are then forced to exist in an environment that is effected in every single way by GDKP. Economies are messed up. Guild recruitment suffers. Endless spam messages about GDKP and illicit gold buying sites flood the chat channels.


Seems like are jealous players like GDKPs better than raiding with toxic guilds, so you take away their choice.

Imagine instead trying to empathize and understand why some people may enjoy the ability to raid with a different group each day at different times.

And how some people don’t want to play guild drama.

And how others rather raid for their gold instead of farming or doing professions.

He’s one of those horrible players who can only get gear by rolling a dice because he’s not worth a LC giving it to him and too poor to buy it.

I do notice these types do not like LC… hmm…

You lying sack of sheeit lmao

You still clowning on these RMT lovers :rofl: doing the lords work! Look at them malding, you must really be hitting a nerve! I wonder why they try so hard to whitewash the RMT/GDKP connection? Almost like they have something to gain… :thinking:


Another grey parser appears.

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Just think, soon you’ll be in a raid with this “grey parser” :rofl:

Proves my point that the noobs against GDKP just want to self-played and roll a dice for gear.

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Nah, it’s more that when everyone sees cheaters getting away with it; that becomes the default system. It’s canabalizes the entire raiding scene.

Imagine me not empathizing with gold buying cheaters. Imagine that. Imagine just not ruining the game with your RMT garbage. Oh wait. We won’t have to imagine that. It’s here in fresh.

So…don’t? If I’m in a guild that’s dramatic, I find a new one. That’s how it works.


By playing the game the way it was intended to be played and without RMT, unlike yourself.

Sockpuppeting yourself is pretty retarded tbh lmao

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I’m sorry, you’ll have to elaborate

You still can’t provide a single reason why GDKPs are bad.

Your argument is founded on your (flawed) belief that all GDKPers are buying gold.

Uh, I don’t have to? They’re banned. That’s the only thing you need to know.

There are exactly zero legitimate players engaging in GDKP. They’re either buying gold to buy gear with, taking illicit gold that they know is illicit gold, or selling gold.

No we wont, we wont make alts, we will just main raid in our guilds like we have been doing…


So when you sell stuff on the AH and someone buys it with illicit gold, you’re involved in it too? Or when you buy stuff on the AH, someone purchases it with illicit gold.

So you surely don’t use the auction house do you?

This is the most overused braindead argument for GDKP. Suck it up, GDKP is dead. Please do attempt it though, removing these sort of players is a net positive for the wider community. Diablo immortal is —》 that way.

It’s just a policy made by some employees at a private company. Policy can change any time.

In the mean time, I bask in the glory of GDKP RMT tears. The salt is so intense it burns my eyes and I love it.

If you remove all gdkpers, noobs like you won’t clear a single raid or 5 man even :slight_smile:

Never done a GDKP once never will and cleared all content until I stopped playing in classic 2019. Never did a GDKP in original release wow and cleared all content. Keep QQing.