So here's a neat trick to do against twinks!

Same argument could be said about twinking, I think.
I mean, they did add the exp lock for… what reason?

Make tears, take names and eat corn chips.


cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard, influencing and/or facilitating the gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;


Armory links which serve no purpose are distastefully done IMO.
I would honestly 100% understand if you linked a 39 using BFA Weapons/Items, can you understand this?
What do we see? what has happened?

Sounds like you’re reaching.

The closer we look, it becomes easier to see the attraction to Twinks.
It is still here, same as it ever was.

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Except it’s not, because it’s not allowed to queue with levelers. :laughing:

You’re like fully invested in this huh, investigating him, sounds like you’re cyber stalking him. Let that man live, your tears are flooding this thread.


Judging by certain individuals smugness throughout the thread I have little doubt there is an exploit being used.

We went from tantrums the other day to gaslighting, semantics, and a ‘nothing to see here’ approach.


I will glady take those options compared the the sockpuppet tactics we have been entertaining for months (years) on end.

Now there are shaming threads with armory links of players who have done nothing wrong. :pray:

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Are you kidding? They sure will. That would be with heirlooms though. No heirlooms, I’m not really sure.

My toons have been AFK kicked in epic BGs even though I was actively playing objectives. Some folks went so far as to say I was making it up. lol Anyway, apparently it was “OK” because “enough on the team” decided it should be done.

If someone were to see players that they had seen repeatedly AFK from previous games and thought, “I’m going to hit report because they are repeat AFKer griefers” and did so, I wouldn’t see anything wrong with that.

Willy, you’ve been wrong on things you were certain of just recently. I doubt this will be any different. :+1:

Ohhh, which one is Willy? I kind of liked him before on the old forums. :grin:

Yea, no. GY farming is a real bore, it’s generally why people end up despising your griefing rear in a bg.

Thanks. Was this meant for me?

GY farming still happens.


People still die going 70mph on the interstate. Lets remove all speed limits.

Okay, but blaming GY farming just on twinks is false.