So here's a neat trick to do against twinks!

Well that might be a exploit you can get banned for, that’s why I just use xp on throwaway twinks instead. You can report cheating instead of AFK.

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Yeah I have no problem with twinks, at all. I am supportive of the XPoff community. However, I am not supportive of exploits or hacks which bypass restrictions Blizzard put in place and will go out of my way to bring attention to those who use them and get them removed.

And to all of you people saying that the team wants a twink to help them win? Apparently not because we wouldn’t have a wall between your queue and ours and you wouldn’t have to use an exploit to join if that were the case. :slight_smile:

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Abusing the AFK reporting system to get one over on an alleged twink is just as bad as abusing an exploit to get in.


/facepalm at OP

So you just can’t compete with other players and are now suggesting to abuse the system, wow


Maybe at lvl 10-19 and 20-29.

Four or fire wins won’t cause some in 30-39 bracket to level.
Not if he’s not wearing ANY XP boosting gear. A full set BoAs triple the XP gain in BGs.
If he’s not wearing any, You’re effectively gaining XP 3 times faster then he is.
Of course he’s not going to lvl out before you do.

Before you condemn another player, learn how the game works.


Of course not.

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Interesting enough if you use google, the amount of exp required to level from 39 to 40 as a rogue is 117920. With that said without heirlooms you get about 20% of a bar for a loss. On a win, I’ve gained around 60-80%. Granted I’m using heirlooms so let’s be generous and say… 30% a win if no heirlooms. We won 4 games yesterday, and lost 3 together. With that said he should be around 180% through 39.


Hes just yanking your chain Tinethre, you know youre right, that rogue clearly has his xp off. Most of these posters seem so stoned they cant even think straight, or they are tying to get their post numbers up, or they just like to argue in general.
Weve beaten this dead horse to pulp.

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You do realize that you’re talking to a Troll who’s been gaslighting this board all night?

I’m working so not really paying attention.

If you could post the rule saying that, that’s be great.

Without any factual proof you are linking Armories to Shame them for something they may or may not have done.
This is not a positive approach to armory links, am I correct?


So now we’re encouraging people to grief players who only want to build and play a bis low level character.


I feel completely threatened by this “Trick”.
Why should I feel the need to disable my leveling characters to avoid, wrongful reports.

This is exactly what it is endorsing.


And I feel threatened by you saying that twinks are going to go out of their way to grief people. Do you feel cheering on people breaking rules to get into battlegrounds is a good thing?

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Nobody is breaking any rules


Hmm, exploiting a bug to enter a battleground seems like a break of the rules to me. Lemme check. Brb!

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Huh if queuing for a bg is a bug then may as well ban everyone in the game

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Oddly enough, I can’t. The European forum has a clear rule against naming/shaming on their Code of Conduct but it doesn’t appear on the US one. The European one was updated in December so perhaps it’s a newer one than the US. However, it could be considered harassment under that particular area of the rules and as we know, Blizzard can institute punishments as they see fit under wider, more genralised rules.


Let me clear this up with you.
I do not endorse breaking any rules in World of Warcraft.