So here's a neat trick to do against twinks!

That’s…that’s not how that works.


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Blizzard has stated that the report afk function for BGs is essentially a modified vote kick system and cannot be exploited, as I’ve been on the receiving end of people doing this Mcgowan; from people that think my gear isn’t ‘good enough’ for bgs.

I completely disagree with this use of it however, just as I disagreed with it being used on me.

lol I would love to see you tell the BG - hey this guy ON OUR TEAM is going to give us a win - let’s afk him.

Why is most of your gear enchanted and you and you are playing an MM hunter - shouldn’t you dumb down your gear to make it more competitive with the newer players that can’t afford all those enchants and gold spent? Or is your level of twink acceptable, but if you go up a bit more - then it’s bad. Most of the pieces you are wearing scale at every level - so you will have a significant advantage every level.

I am leveling in whites and robes - for the esthetic and roleplay - you are runining my fun.


Source? I think we all need to see where Blizzard said this.

It was in an e-mail or ticket when I was contacting Blizzard about the report afk function being used on me during battlegrounds, I, much like many of you felt it was an abuse of the feature. I’m sure some people are aware that if enough people use report afk even if you’re actively playing and in combat it can remove you instantly instead of giving you a series of debuffs over a couple of minutes that at the end remove you. I’ll dig around for it.

You are not suppose to post on the official forums about possible exploits. It will simply get the thread closed if they notice it. It’s against the terms of service most likely. Doesn’t matter why you posted it. They don’t want you spreading around how to exploit the game here.

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Your gear is enchanted. Guess what? You’re a twink

That being said, I do not approve of using any type of bug or exploit to get into a to Bg with exp: off, and people using this cheat is only making all twinks look bad.
Not all of us are trying to find ways to cheat the system, I promise you, and the ones that are, need to find a new route to get the queues remerged.


The exact same argument for why twinking should be allowed.


Twinking is really not that hard to do, considering that all the gear twinks use in general (aside from grandfathered stuff), is readily available to literally everyone.

1 run through the Sunwell had my baby 70’s twink priest set up in her basic gear.


Never thought I’d see you making the “just become a twink” argument. Especially not mentioning a Sunwell run like that’s reasonable to expect from someone leveling.

This month never stops getting weirder.

Do you know how to tell if the twink has xp off and exploited to get into the BG or if its an xp on “twink”? I doubt there are many willing to risk getting banned to do it the exploit way.

Nothing posted here is an exploit, so.

A person doesn’t even have to become a twink to be competitive in PvP since PvP gear stats have gone the way to the dodo.
I proved that just enchanting your heirloom gear can make you viable in PvP.
And technically, if you do enchant your gear, you are a twink, because that in and of itself, is the very definition of “twinking” your character.

I started twinking because I am not fond of BFA, but then met some incredibly good folks who became real life friends.

I spent hundreds of dollars (I know, my choice), to server transfer and faction change some characters for myself, my daughter, and a friend of mine.
I spent the money so we could play together, and yes, i suppose we still can (well if they could log in… there is a lingering bug since patch day that had made the game unplayable for them), but it took away something from our time spent together on the game.

I can’t explain what it is, but something is now… missing.
It would still be there I think if queues still popped (if they could log in), but our chosen brackets (70/80) are dead, dead, dead :frowning:

There are just simply not enough twinks in each bracket, for exp: off to be self supporting.


Winning three different battlegrounds and the guy not leveling is a pretty good way to show he’s exploiting if you ask me.

You said in your original post twinks were exploiting to get in your bgs. I know it is possible to do it but I was just asking if you know for sure someone is doing it.

Except in 19s or 29s, but having such limited toolkits is also undesirable for many of us. :frowning:


He may be leaving before the end which is not an exploit yet.

Nope. If you look at the screenshot I posted he’s riding them out to the end. He doesn’t leave at all.

Agreed. That is why I chose the 70’s and 80’s for my twink holy healers, is because it gave me my favorite abilities.

I considered making a low level twink, so I made a new little priest, and did a few Bg’s… yawn no thanks :frowning:
I guess I will get around to leveling her after I finish up this panda to 120.

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imgur. com /7VGUGJ4.jpg

This is the guy. After multiple games last night, four or five victories he is still level 39.