So here's a neat trick to do against twinks!

Just double checking :ok_hand:

Yeah you folks are pretty mental

Apparently, you should go get some sleep.


10 chairs

Never forget who fuels these threads. :wink:

The people like you who derailed and spammed threads for months.

How did that work out?

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Lets just hope they stop, players need to have some compassion.
Maybe this is the year?

Yeah maybe, I wouldn’t be against a happy medium.

Even a 70s/80s arena bracket for completion purpose would be good

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Anything at this point would be a good thing.
There is good reason why “Twink” threads were undoubtedly the hottest in BFA.
I see profit, and lots of options for activity.

The publicity is there.

Alright so if you add a reason to twink you might not have to be put with lvlers

Every twink trying to play every bracket also kills ques.

So you could have an arena bracket at 70/80s

Play for a ladder, twink only titles and possibly a version of the current end game pvp mog.

Increase the amount of people making twinks will spill into bgs and bam more ques.

Title for top .5% could be twinkinator.

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The market is there.

Twinks are like the most entitled neckbeards in this game.


What about DK’s that bought their 3200 rating?

I hear things, and they are not good pal. :wink:

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Not sure what you’re referring to.

It’s the only thing keeping them subbed at this point and it’s really only in two brackets.

I say just let them do it for a week before they go back to apex legends or whatever. Or until Blizzard hotfixes it, whichever happens first.

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I laugh at them. Twinks are a joke.

I feel like you watched Minority Report too many times. Pre-crime isn’t a real thing. You’re promoting making assumptions about other players and abusing the AFK vote system to remove them from games…before anyone has done anything wrong. If they just look ‘suspect’ to you, you do this? That’s bottom of the barrel behavior just as those who actually do what you’re witch hunting for.





I got asked/told I was a twink on a fresh 20 allied race that I threw some enchanted looms and just queued without empty slot. No XP off, not leaving at the end of the BG.

What you are doing is assuming that because some people take the time to be decently geared sometimes, they automatically mean they are bad.

Spend some time actually caring about your characters, and think of some actual solutions to this obviously voiced issue.


There’s actually a report player for cheating option. Wonder why they aren’t using it?

The potential is there for reporting well geared and innocent levelers too because there are plenty of players who can’t tell the difference between a twink and a well geared leveler.