So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

Bad comparisons are bad.

A recent asian made game showed that.

Women don’t look like this!

Umm, lemme guess, the hack writer hasn’t been to an Asian country ever. also the internet was more than happy to show the model in the suit…

I live in asia. I’ve seen women I know who had 3 kids and really let themselves go. they went up to a size 6 or 8.

is this m eant to be a high size?


Yes its the sum of political correctness and mental illness times applied force.
Or in otherwords political correctness + mental illness x applied force = wokeness.

See my reply above.

It is you who are misunderstood about its meaning despite using a catchy meme to try and denegrade me.

So since the Horde are just flat out Evil now, can we at least be allowed to play the part? Like can we just full on just destroy the new World Tree so that we a have 2-0 record for tree burning?

I was never ok with being literally forced to burn the World Tree at the behest of Sylvanas. Like that just don’t sit right, it’s not for the better of the horde, it’s just petty revenge that she didn’t have the gall to do herself.

I play as a Tauren mainly, the Night Elves are my Alliance brethren, why would I would to burn down their home?!

TLDR: If we HAVE to be the bad guys, let us go all in so we have a legit reason to be hated besides Blizz not being able to come up with a decent story unless it involves bad Orcs and Forsaken.

Edit: Typos and added Tl:DR