So demolish is the new meme? Did I miss something?



in regards to demolish

Yes, the dr got doubled. That being said, arms is already insanely tanky, their issue is closing out games. I think fury thunder is still better in that aspect, but arms is not bad at all. People are just experiementijg with builds.

I think it’s more like 1.5-2.5 million and locks you in the animation.

Warrior cant get more damage buffs without losing durability.

Ya, additional dr, but arms already wasn’t dying.

Okay, but it’s also not like war cant play spear or there aren’t Darius 1-tricks at challenger.

Tl;dr demolish DID get buffed, but the NA consensus is that it’s still worse than fury because it only got better at playing not to lose, not to win.


You haven’t seen prot war yet. I’ll shield charge for 900k-1mil into a demolish for 3.8-4mil into a 1.8mil execute. I actually think it’s the quickest burst in the game.

I’m not sure what you are talking about, arenalogs clearly shows arms as one of the most killed specs in the game in any bracket at any rating.

That’s cos everyone likes dunking on an arms warrior not cos they are weak defensively :slight_smile:

Most warriors look for ways to die in games



nerf mortal strike and execute

It’s rough out there but we press on against all the overtuned specs. :pensive:

Admittedly I was mostly talking from my PoV because I feel invincible on arms warrior and when I fight them, I feel like they only die if they sit in battle. But your comment made me check!

So I just looked at any 3v3 and it looks like they’re 14th out of 26 dps specs, and killed even less than arcane mage at ~40%. So they’re the kill target 2/5games, which feels pretty far from “one of the most killed”, especially compared to classes like boomy and lock which are killed ~75% of the time.


Yeah but if you adjust for higher ratings it jumps up significantly. It’s simply not a very durable spec, especially when you consider it has to be positioned in a dangerous spot all the time to be effective. It’s killed more often than fury, which is notable, especially considering fury pumps far more damage.

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He didn’t miss spell one tap he meant on tap like you have it available to you every 45 seconds. Thats how I took it anyways. At first I thought he miss spelled one tap though too tbh.


Survivors bias.

Arms is dying because it’s the available target, not because it’s the best target. What is the best target? What is the available target? I mean, you said it. For you to be effective you have to be in a place where you can put up pressure. That isn’t the same as being the best target. The best target for most people is the one that can connect on.

I see arms dying often enough and it’s usually when they AREN’T the target.

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I wonder if never pressing demolish and just doing a bleed build with skull splitter would be any good lol

Uh, maybe. They changed the ability to double tick rate rather than all snap at once.

I feel like you don’t have the GCDs for it tbh, would rather hit MS & OP.

But it’s not bad.

I go back & fourth with liking it vs not, like vs a target that’s gunna 100% get away maybe.

i have an honor geared warrior, so i can’t really test =(

even with thunderclap, sweeping + skull splitter?
I always try to find weird builds nobody runs and I figure if I’m gonna be kited, I may as well make rend and deep wounds tick for 200-300k for 10 sec while I get stuck with frostbites

Doesn’t surprise me! I imagine at higher ratings its positioning is more exploitable, but also I think a big part of that is that it’s paired with dps that ARE harder to kill (ret, sp, bm, or ele off the top of my head). But also you said,

Which clearly isn’t true. And, while it still goes up, it’s not so significantly dissimilar from other specs.

Ya, I just disagree with this. Obviously it’s not SP levels of tanky, but the spec DOES feel super durable as and against it IMO. I’m not playing arms at the top of the ladder or anything, but I never feel in danger as that spec or healing that spec the way I do other classes like a lock or boomy.

I think the biggest reason for that is that fury has WAY more offensive pressure which, in turn, forces other specs to play more defensively.

It’s like how we have a ton of DH and DK players saying their spec is paper atm and their defensives are awful. I think the defensives are more than fine, it’s just that they’re not able to play as aggressive as classes like bm/feral, so they’re getting outtraded by existing and FEEL squishier by comparison.

I think if arms did fury damage we wouldn’t even be having this conversation atm.

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nah the amount of damage demolish does at full stacks is just so much more than what the bleeds will do. Even pressing i t on cd is probably more damage overall than just letting bleeds roll

ah, okay. Would it make sense to do a mini “go” with the skull splitter and end it with the demolish then or am I just crazy for wanting bleeds to do damage lol