So covt. legos in practice?

Playing as another class, I’ve seen the power of the new covt. legos. Wow.

What’s going on with shadow-priest and healing-priest? I mean like in actual practice.

The maldraxis covt. lego seems potentially very strong? Does ardenwield covt. lego pan out with the reduced CD of main ability? etc.

Pallid command necro is a viable and strong raid choice for shadow single target, but doesnt pull away enough to just be default for everyone.


Palid good for Shadow. For healing its a bit low. For disc they nerfed it so it only does Healing. It kinda ruined the leggo a bit. Also most disc will go Kyrian cause its quite a good leggo to combo with Mika.

As for Arden its ok. It only work on 1 buff not the 3 at the same time so u kinda have to choose (If u use on ennemi u double mana regen. If u use on any target it will be Cdr. If u use on any then shield the tank. U can move it to the tank by clicking again to get the 20% dmg reduc. It the only way to get Dmg reduc over cdr wich is a bit stupid and annooying.

Like if u did cast on tank by accident u need to switch the buff twice if u wanted the dmg reduc on the tank

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Shadow: Gets benefit from Necro Cov Leggo for ST only. Venthyr is sorta near SFP on ST, but obv falls behind for AoE and relies on the buff triggering immediately. Night Fae leggo isn’t worth losing SFP. for the extra CDR that just messes up your CD alignments more (and I hear only gives 150% not 200%?), and Kyrian is pretty clunky for shadow so doing it even more frequently isn’t worth it when you can just SFP for AoE while still using your core kit.

Disc: Kyrian leggo with Mik Soulbind is amazing in M+, in Raids it’s situationally useful depending on the fight. Venthyr leggo is pointless because you get the crit buff after all of your big abilities are already out. NF/Necro aren’t useful in general for Disc.

Holy: Doesn’t matter, FC is king.

Overall they need to do a bit of work to make NF and Venthyr leggos worthwhile to at least one spec.

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It gives 200% from my tests.

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Thank you for clarifying/testing that. I can’t remember if it was the Priest Discord or here I saw someone comment that.

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To clarify, my testing the reduction was consistently:

No Fae - 20s

With Fae - 40s

With Fae + Mask - 60s.

They may be expecting 80 seconds? But if 100% is 40s, then 200% is 60s, as 20s is the base.

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You’re probably right. They see that they normally remove 40s over a 20s duration and expect it to double without considering that the 20s is base. Or to put it more simply, Fae takes off an additional 20s so the Mask should take off 20s more for a total of 60s reduced over the duration of the buff.

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Thank you guys. All of this is pretty intersting.

I can say that our main spriest is kyrian which I found very interesting as when I played through the 50-60 I found the kyrian powers to be confusing and unmanablle with haste. His comment was “yup” but he makes it go, very well. He’s using traditional legos though, not the covenant one, and his performance ingame is extremely high.

RE: the night fae one though. My undeveloped alt spriest is NF … so the covt. lego doubles up one of the fae … how exactly is the one chosen? Like every time I think I’d want the CD reduction on void form. All the time … is there some selection choice when you equip it? Or it’s on the fly somehow?

I understand there’s some issues with PI not matching up and yeah, that’s a bummer but I could never get things to match up anyway.

Fae guardians turns into an extra spell once its cast if you have the leggo equipped, and that spell allows you to move a new fae that doubles the power of whatever fae that person already has. It’s stupid, and it’s bad from a throughput perspective as dps.

Shadow can run either of the four covenants without too much problems, and yes Kyrian shadows use Talbadar’s stratagem in raids (Because the covenant specific conduit is very good, meaning they dont resort to rabid shadows which would push them to run bender SFP) and all 4 covenants use SFP in M+ due to the cleave potential.

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Target No one and the Cdr will be on u with the Cdr buff from the leggo. It only does 50% bonus cdr instead of the actual 100% like it should tough. If u target an ennemi while u clikc on the spell it will double your insanity instead. U can still click on yourself afterward to move it to CDR on yourself. but its an extra step

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Lol u mean for everyone. Like i already have to jungle who take what buff and now i have to jungle more cause the spell only does 1 buff instead the 3 like it should.

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oh bummmer, booooo for extra step, even worse if it’s every time

If u planed to have more insa regen its not but its the only case XD