So Covenants are already being rated

Well I guess you either have fun in a game or you min/max to the extreme and complain about it. No need to answer because I know which way you’re going to go. I’d say have fun but…

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I quite agree. My biggest problem with covenant abilities locking and soulbinds is the difficulty to switch. Why this might be a problem? Because I like playing multiple roles. I tank most of the time, but I do dabble in DPS, and occasionally do rated PvP in a casual fashion.

I am not great at all of those, but I still want to be as prepared as i can, and that means picking what I think is the good abilities and soulbinds for each content. But this is not possible, and naturally I will not do the other content as much, or at all. I am sure there are other players who share the same concern.

First you linked min-maxing to the illusion of being 1%, now you link min-maxing to having fun.

I like min-maxing to a degree. It’s fun to be a better player than I was yesterday, even for 0.01%. If it’s not fun to you, not asking you to do it. But it is fun to some.

Completely agree. More I learned about the system the more I realized I’m better off leveling a toon specifically to heal or tank than to try and multi role. And that’s sad.

No… I said extreme min/maxing is the opposite of fun. You can build your character but if it is obsessive, then you’re probably not having as much fun with it.

The majority of raiding guilds are probably not going to care what your covenant is. They are still going to tackle and complete the same content. Only when they push the extreme will it matter.

That is okay. You do you. I am just stating my opinion. So I’ll do me.

Thats still false. For some hyper optimization is fun. That’s part of complaint with this system that goes out of its way to punish that play style.

Fun is subjective, everyone needs to chill with the entitlement acting like they get to say whats objectively fun.

I have never understood the need to berate other players for not playing the way someone else thinks they should. I play WoW with very specific folks who don’t mind me doing my own thing; if they had an issue with my playstyle I wouldn’t have joined up with them in the first place.

Whether you enjoy min/maxing or freestyle, there is no wrong way to play WoW. Especially when everyone is having fun.


I’m GM of a Cutting Edge raid guild. I won’t be telling anyone what covenant to play. But you can bet the farm that every person in the guild will be playing what will maximize their performance.

That’s because CE raiders want to maximize the output of their characters. CE raiders strive to excel, that’s why they raid Cutting Edge.

Playing what you want, if it comes at a massive power loss, simply won’t be an option. I want to play Venthyr for aesthetics, but Blizzard won’t let me because the Venthyr Monk class ability does literally nothing for tanks. I’d be a fool to play Venthyr.

Sure, but that’s to a degree, right? If let’s say the difference in covenant abilities is 5%, I would agree that most guilds probably don’t care. In fact some of the top end guilds might not care neither. But some testing are showing 20% or more for some classes (certainly hope it gets smaller at release), not to mention some covenant abilities are simply not designed for all content (PvP specific, for example). When the discrepancy is big enough I think more guilds will care than not.

There has been no tuning yet… Testing is premature. They are still making class changes so they can tune those knobs.

So many players will be benched and be cut out of groups. This is what BlizZard wants then so be it.


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Covenants are the absolute worst sort of thing you want to introduce if you don’t want people to be forced into making specific choices to participate in content.

The Devs are idiots if they thought covenants were going to curb this behavior, because it legit is only going to make it worse.


Tuning? They wouldn’t need to “tune” it, they’d need to redesign it.

It literally does NOTHING for tanks.

That’s fair, and I certainly hope they can bring balance closer.

Although I have my doubts, as many others do. Balancing 4 abilities and 3 soulbinds across all classes and specs, that’s a tall order.

“While BrM images are up, they share your stagger dmg”

Could be an easy fix

Don’t forget how badly designed conduits are, either. It’s class abilities, AND soulbinds, AND conduits.

There’s no way Blizzard can get that rat’s maze anywhere close to balanced.

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Still miles behind Kyrian or Necro, just because it’s a 3 minute cooldown. So they could lower the cooldown, but then it’s OP for windwalker.

It’s just a stupid system.

Well everyone is going to be judging them one way or another. Ive already rated one covenant crap based off of the short.

For people doing high end content, requiring meta choices, well that,s their problem. Dont really care.

I like the system /shrug, it just takes more thought then blizzard generally puts into it.

Yeah, and soulbinds don’t even add anything particularly interesting. Not worth it atm