So can we get an actual drum fix now

I agree, the “fix” isn’t a fix at all, and goes against what they announced at blizzcon.

Making them raid wide would be better… but then you have secondary drums that people will want too. I don’t think this is the best option.

Remove leatherworking is a reasonable idea.

I think the tinnitus debuff is the best option. Rebalance drums or raids as needed, but just use the tinnitus debuff. It was the right fix in wrath. It’s the right fix now.

Imagine not having an argument to the point of just defaulting to typical drivel about someone’s level on their forum toon making them not valid.

Make them raid wide **and add a 30-second tinnitus debuff, so you can’t stack multiple drum types.

The easiest fix is to just remove LW requirement on drums. They don’t have to re-tune or re-balance anything. The game plays exactly as it did in TBC. The only thing it does is not require everyone to do LW. I’m not sure why they are trying more complicated “solutions”.

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You should shower more, you sweat too much

Why? It is very well documented. 2 guilds killed Kil’Jaeden pre-nerf and they used drums. Blizzard said we are getting pre-nerf bosses. What is sweaty about that?

Thanks professor.

I’ll be sure to send you logs of every guild that does it without.

Remember when MC was hard and then people in classic started clearing it in 45 minutes in greens?

Remember when BWL was super hard and people got it down to 20 minutes (buffed but not the point).

People have learned a lot over the past 15 years. I guarantee someone will do it pre need without a full raid of drums. (Edited)

There’s a common theme to these threads regarding whether something is actually “necessary” to down a boss.

I see comments all the time like “stop min maxing everything” or “its not needed, players are the problem, not the mechanic.”

Such an attitude discounts the other 24 players in your raid. You push hard to do your personal best for their benefit, not just yours.

From a long term perspective, I’d much rather min max myself so that I can get in a good raid team. I would much rather raid with good people who value my time than slug it out with an unprepared group that wipes constantly, clears poorly, doesn’t value my time.

That’s why the drums meta matters. It’s not about the individual player, it’s about your raid team and your fellow guild mates.

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That wasn’t the assertion. The assertion was that guilds did it without them 15 years ago and they did not.

Oh, sorry, I wasn’t responding that comment specifically, but in general those sorts of arguments.

I mean it’s really not that simple to be honest. I’ve done Sunwell, the kind of performance increase drums will give is not going to lose your raid spot in 80-90% of guilds. If you’re a good performing player, they’re not going to gamble on a new guy because you don’t bring drums.

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I like this, and 20 would be fine IMO.

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Sure did, my server had a ton of guilds that didn’t run with world buffs. If the majority of people want to use something, the minority has to just deal with it.

Actually - that allows people to go enchanting for +4 stats, etc. which nerfs the content.

Or other professions that buff their output.

I would bet my entire gold purse that the “average” guild will be more likely to require it regardless of what they are giving up since they will actually need it more than a hardcore, non-speed running guild. An average player with drums brings more dps than the best player without them at that point in the game.


The fact we have heard nothing since the last idiot blue post on drums that missed the mark entirely leads me to believe they have decided what they did fixed things and have moved on already. I expect we will get the BS drum meta and all forced into LW


This isn’t remotely true.

Welllllll I mean it is worth noting that performance is much higher today compared to back then…if vanilla DPS comparisons are anything to compare by…It’s very possible people wouldn’t “need” drums to clear an even unnerfed Sunwell today…

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Yea… Also don’t be in a Guild that requires World Buffs…

Lets see how that turns out.

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That’s the kind of guild that takes multilple days to clear naxx, or even 3-4 hours to do BWL still in phase 6. NO thanks. Complete waste of time to join those type of guilds.