So can arms get nerfed

This is like when Shane Gillis talked about how the Special Olympics became a thing.

this thread got too boring too quickly


Why does this wojack look like supatease so much :rofl:

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I giggled lol

How would a car verse Einstein

I don’t even play a warrior and see no need for it to get nerfed.

Please stay on topic and focus on the real issue
 MM Hunters.

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Have you ever heard of transformers? Aka - robots in disguise. If not, you’re going to want to take a seat

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We might be the only ones in here old enough to know what that is. If you really wanna confuse some kids, throw a little Voltron in the discussion.

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Bruh this game is old af. The mean age of players is probably 35.

Also transformers movies were popular sometime in the last 20 years. I’m too old to understand time anymore.


True. Kinda forgot there is newer transformer content.

Voltron was great though. 80s and early 90s cartoons :ok_hand:

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close! im 39

I’m 49

I feel like Einstein’s verse & rap game in general would probably be much weaker than a transformer.

Ah, a spelling bee champion I see.

Arms is one of thedarling specs of wow pvp. always A tier at worst with people being ok even when they are SSS.

I guess the many upright male orc garrosh copycats sub money is worth more than any other classes sub money.


I miss popping banner so my ret pally could kill a goofy skeleton frost mage in two globals


Arms could be the worst spec in the game & you’d still complain about it lol.

You & Emma are the biggest Arms haters on the forums ez pz.

I mean, i dont deny im an arms hater. and its not because i hate the class, ive even played one this season. i just think that arms mains complain so much about their class being bad when in fact their tool kit is busted.