So... bots?

Bots are good for the game. and yes this post will get the attention needed for sure. :rofl: :rofl:

It makes me feel better lol, I know blizzard will do nothing about it.

It is truly amazing how many folks in the forums seem to be CEO-level business managers.

I mean why are you here in a game forum instead of spreading this wisdom of how to run a major game development company with the world?

Oh yeah, that’s right, because you don’t really know anything about game development or how to run a multi-billion dollar company.

Neither is yours. None are. People post because they want to. Not because they need to.

It’s hard to tell how much of a problem this is really. On my server I haven’t seen any bots because I’m not really looking nor paying attention. Economy seems fine, I can make very good gold still. So I hate to say but I honestly don’t have any issue with bots, yet.

So all you ask is something 100% impossible. Good. Had me worried there. Has there been any game in the history of the world with no cheaters? How many bots does Blizzard ALREADY stop? Do you have any clue? Of course not. You don’t care. You just want perfection…for free. Please?

True, if Blizzard had anough employees 24/7 on every server, they could catch almost all the bots. Of course they would have to FIND those GMs, and TRAIN them, and give them computers and so on.

As a rough estimate, each GM costs Blizzard $4,000 to hire, train and supply. After that each one is paid $15 an hour (that’s minum wage in CA) or $2,400/month. And Blizzard could still break even, if they stopped all the “free to play” tokens and charged $900/mo sub fee for each of us.

Stop fantasizing! You don’t get a human-run game for $15/mo, from any company in the world!

Yeah sorry no one cares. Least of all Blizzard. People will even defend them in this forum watch.

Yup lol sad

What precisely is the problem?

That might be a way to go.

APEX Legends had a person, and the absence of that person was noticed. But replacing that person seems difficult.

But really, if APEX Legends hasn’t solved the problem, I don’t expect WoW to. APEX Legends is a much newer game with a still passionate team, who are doing amazing work.

But also following so many of WoW’s decisions it’s surprising.

They don’t wanna ban the bots cause those are subs man. The minute the bot acc. lead to more canceled subs than bot subs, is when they will start banning. Not before

Seems like a short-sighted meme proliferated by relatively uneducated subs.

Are you still one of those kids that believe these accounts are financed by stolen credit cards? In this day and age? with VPNs that allow you to reduce sub costs by a lot? Really?

Not really, no. I have never been one of those, actually.

I think that for sure some bots are run on subs’ accounts who pay for services that require them to give access to their accounts (of course).

However, it might be of interest to actually address any of the questions or claims I’ve made.

nah, id rather just do like you did a few weeks ago and just respond to the last post you made without reading anything about what you said prior to this.

Its confusing isn’t it ?

Not really.

You don’t know what you’re talking about. You are resorting to ad hominem. That’s not confusing at all.

You have no claim, nor even a stake in the conversation. You’re not saying anything.

Man i wonder who that person was in another post a few weeks ago (hint: you)

Who cares? (link to it? Maybe — if it actually exists — we can make a new thread to discuss it).

However, it has nothing to do with this thread, and apparently neither does anything you have to say.

The irony of this all

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Let’s come together as friends rather than argue over the state of the game. I like WoW. Do you like WoW?

That ship has sailed