So blizz, when yea gonna give these cold ones some warm attention?

What i mean to say is when yea gonna give them some nice visual upgrades? Gave Warlocks and Druids the ability to swap minions/forms looks in the barber shop and you added many many new looks cause of it. What about DK’s and… myself in included but i just wanted to sneak that in there… ANYWAY!

How about yea open up the barber shop to choose the looks of your minions for DK’s? And while you’re at it why not add all these skeletons for the different races (lookin at you Lordaeron front gate) and maldraxxus soldiers. The magus could be that standing caster type or one of the lich lookin one’s. Gargoyle can even use the classic, a new look and even the ones from Revendreth.

Come on blizz show these cold hearted folks some love to help them feel once again.


DK visuals since legion-

“you get nothing”

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Aww now don’t be that way yea goof. Come on get the blood pumping, frost swirling, plagues festering and rally for the changes you want.

But that would take money and the activision-blizzard ceo needs a new yacht. I just don’t see how its possible to update a couple animations unfortunately